Physical characteristics
Estuary type: Barrier river
location |
Latitude (ºS) |
–33.95 |
Longitude (ºE) |
151.17 |
Catchment area (km2) |
110.6 |
Estuary area (km2) |
1.2 |
Estuary volume (ML) |
1084.4 |
Average depth (m) |
0.9 |
Tidal exchange volume
Tidal exchange volume or tidal prism data is available for this estuary. This tidal prism was measured in 1990.
Tide state |
(106 m3) |
Local tidal
range (m) |
Sydney Harbour
tidal range (m) |
Ebb flow |
2.17 |
1.18 |
1.14 |
Flood flow |
1.57 |
0.78 |
0.77 |
Notes: km2 = square kilometres; m = metres; m3 = cubic metres; ML = megalitres.
Water depth and survey data
Bathymetric and coastal topography data for this estuary are available in our data portal.
Land use
The Cooks River drains a highly disturbed catchment. It has over 90% land use disturbance, which is the highest percentage land use of all NSW rivers. The dominant land use is urban and to a lesser extent, industrial development and horticulture. Sydney International Airport lies beside the lower reaches of the estuary.