Conservation management notes
These Conservation Management Notes provide advice and suggestions to landholders to assist with planning and management of land for conservation.
Wildlife on your property
Assessing wildlife habitat (AssessHabitat.pdf, 923KB) - designed to help landholders idenfity aspects of their property that may be important to native animals.
Watching and surveying wildlife (WatchSurvWild.pdf, 336KB) - a practical guide to help landowners discover what native birds and other animals are on their property at different times of year. It provides an overview of non-invasive observation techniques and equipment.
The NSW Atlas of Wildlife (WildlifeAtlas.pdf, 321KB) - records sightings of flora and fauna. Landholders can both use and contribute to the Atlas. This note describes the Atlas and provides advice about contributing.
Integrating wildlife conservation and farm management (WildlifeFarmMan.pdf, 679KB) - describes some farm management practices and projects that benefit wildlife as well as farm health and productivity.
Corridors and Connectivity (CorridorsConnec.pdf, 313KB) - looks at how corridors might be used to maximise the wildlife habitat value of a fragmented landscape, and what to consider when planning a corridor project.
Managing bushland and wildlife habitat
Restoring native vegetation: regenerate or revegetate? (RestoringVeg.pdf, 442KB) - provides an overview of the two basic approaches to restoring and expanding native vegetation and wildlife habitat, and discusses where and when they are best used.
Natural regeneration (NaturalRegen.pdf, 413KB) - outlines ways of restoring degraded native vegetation by harnessing and promoting the regeneration processes that are built into native ecosystems.
Revegetation (Revegetation.pdf, 385KB) - looks at ways of reconstructing native vegetation and habitat through planting, direct seeding, brush matting and transplanting.
Seed collecting (SeedCollecting.pdf, 453KB) - for landowners wishing to collect native seed for revegetation projects on their land. Collection, cleaning and storage methods are outlined, as well as guidelines for ethical and sustainable collection.
Page last updated: 24 October 2012