Wildlife corridors
During the 1995-96 Western Sydney Urban Bushland Survey, it became apparent that a major reason for the disappearance of biodiversity in western Sydney was the gradual reduction in the size of habitat areas and vegetation communities. Often, all that remain are a number of isolated pockets of native vegetation surrounded by agricultural, residential and industrial landscapes.
Isolated, small patches of habitat may be insufficient to sustain viable populations of some native species of fauna. In such instances, wildlife corridors, which are lines of native vegetation connecting separate habitat areas, are essential for maintaining biodiversity. Wildlife corridors enable fauna to access larger habitats by encouraging mobility between areas. Corridors may also assist native plant species to spread and colonise new areas over time.
In western Sydney, corridors exist where there is roadside vegetation, creeks and undeveloped ridgetops. In creeks, such as Eastern Creek, the water is a corridor for aquatic species while the adjacent vegetation provides habitat for terrestrial animals.
Page last updated: 27 February 2011