All native vegetation to be cleared using the code should be identified on the map. This includes any area set aside for paddock trees. This is done by using the drawing tools provided.
Click on the zoom control to zoom-in or zoom-out, or use the mouse-wheel forward motion to zoom-in and backward-motion to zoom-out.
Drag the map (using the mouse) to pan in the desired direction.
Turn-on/Turn-off map layer
Click on check-box in the list of layers next to each layer you want to turn on or off on the map.
Base Maps
Click on the Map or the satellite image to change the map view.
Mark out (draw) the clearing area or set-aside area
The clearing area or set-aside area is marked out by drawing simple polygons (a polygon is a an area defined by 3 or more straight lines).
Draw polygon
From "Drawing Tools" section, select either "Clearing Area" or "Set-aside area" tools. This will to activate the drawing tool.
Once the tool is activated, choose a point that forms the first corner of the polygon by clicking (left-mouse-click) at the desired location in the map interface. Please see the following screenshot.
To continue drawing, place further corners with subsequent clicks. Please see the following screenshot.
Double-click (double left-mouse-click) to finish drawing the polygon.
When the polygon is finished the system will display the polygon as shown in the following screenshot.
It's ok if you draw a polygon outside of the property area, as the polygon will automatically be clipped to the property boundary.
Overlapping areas
When creating a new notification, polygons can not be overlapped. If you draw overlapping polygons you will receive the following error.
If you try and draw a new polygon over a notification that has already been submitted, then you will receive the following error.
Edit the clearing area or set aside area
Edit polygon
Double-click (double left-mouse-click) on desired polygon to edit. The system will display vertices (corners) in different colours as shown in the screenshot below.
The shape of the polygon can be changed by extending the vertex/polygon (area) or by removing the vertex. The following screenshot shows how to add more vertices to the existing polygon.
Double-click (double left-mouse-click) to finish editing the polygon.
Following screenshot shows how to edit the polygon by removing vertices.
Once the selected vertex is deleted, the system shows the changed polygon (as following).
Query the clearing area or set-aside area
Click on the property polygon to retrieve the information about the property. This will show the selected property’s details in a popup.
Click on the notification polygon to retrieve the information about the notification. This will show the selected notification’s details in a popup.
You can also delete the clearing or set aside areas that you have drawn by selecting that polygon and clicking delete.
Once you are happy with the clearing areas that you have drawn, click next to finalise the notification