NSW Threatened Species Scientific Committee publications

The NSW Threatened Species Scientific Committee (NSWTSSC) publishes reports, guides, guidelines and other publications about its work with threatened species in NSW.

The repealed legislation and regulation have been replaced by the Biodiversity Conservation Act, 2016 and the Biodiversity Conservation Regulation, 2017.

The NSW Scientific Committee is now called the NSW Threatened Species Scientific Committee.

Guidelines for interpreting listing criteria for species, populations and ecological communities under the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 (PDF 1.42MB) 

The Biodiversity Conservation Regulation includes criteria to guide listing decisions for threatened species and ecological communities under the Biodiversity Conservation Act. The NSW Threatened Species Scientific Committee has prepared these guidelines to help with interpreting the concepts and terms in the listing criteria given in the Regulation

The conservation value of regrowth native plant communities: a review (PDF 441KB)

This 1998 report for the NSW Scientific Committee reviews the literature on the conservation value of regrowth native vegetation. It focuses on NSW, but also considers literature from other regions of Australia and overseas.

Information Guide (PDF 275KB)

This guide includes information about the functions of NSW Threatened Species Scientific Committee and how the Committee operates. It also describes the type of information held by the Committee that can be accessed under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.

Advice and submissions


The NSW Threatened Species Scientific Committee may provide advice on matters relating to threatened species conservation and management.

Joint Management Agreements Advice

Under cl. 2.25(11) of the Biodiversity Conservation Regulation 2017, the NSW Threatened Species Scientific Committee must:

  • conduct an annual review of the performance of all parties to a joint management agreement
  • advise the Minister of any deficiencies in implementation of any joint management agreement by any party to it.

The committee's available advice on the NSW Shark Meshing (Bather Protection) Program Joint Management Agreement is available below: