Image library

The department’s image library for Environment and Heritage gives you access to nearly 30,000 images.

Gorge Hakea, Hakea fraseriThe online collection includes photos of our NSW national parks and cultural heritage, people and the environment, and native plants and animals of New South Wales.

Register now to get the most out of the image library

Visit the online image library.

Image library

The Environment and Heritage image library has an extensive collection of images, of which nearly 30,000 are publicly available for anyone to search.

If you would like to order images, you will need to register with the image library.

Orders assessed as being for appropriate non-commercial purposes will generally be approved and fulfilled with no fees payable for the images. Order approval is at the discretion of the Image Library Administrator.

Image library help

Image Library Help Centre

If you click on the blue Help Centre tab on the right-hand side of the image library screen, a searchable help pane will display. You can type in your own search term, or select a help topic from the list of suggestions, for example:

  • How to register
  • How to search
  • How to order and download
  • How to use a Teambox
  • Reset password

Image Library Help Center

NSW national parks images

The image library does not contain images of every national park and nature reserve.

To see if there are any images available for a particular national park, click in the search bar on the image library homepage to display a list of albums.

Scroll down and click on the 'national parks' album category, and you will see a list of all national parks and nature reserves for which there are images available in the image library. This is also a useful way to check the spelling of individual national parks.

Click on the album for your national park of interest.

You can also enter the name of your national park of interest directly into the search bar.

What image format should I select?

It depends on the purpose for which you want to use the image. Possible image formats, in increasing order of size, are:

  • very low resolution for PowerPoint or mock-ups: 72 dpi
  • low resolution for PowerPoint or mock-ups: 72 dpi
  • small high resolution A6: 300dpi RGB
  • medium high resolution A5: 300dpi RGB
  • large high resolution A4: 300 dpi RGB

If you want an image for a PowerPoint presentation, a web page or publication mock-up, your best choice is a low resolution 72 dpi (dots per inch) format.

If you want an image for a printed publication, select a high resolution 300 dpi RGB (red green blue colour schema) in the appropriate size.