
Our work in this diverse landscape of rugged mountains, floodplains, wide valleys and Ramsar wetlands ranges from protecting waterbirds, fish and water plants to investigating renewable energy zones.

Central West and Orana region map

Water for the environment

Lachlan wetlands Willandra Creek


Lachlan valley area

The Lachlan River experiences highly variable flows. We work with Lachlan Riverine Working Group to manage the delivery of environmental water when and where conditions allow to provide feeding and breeding habitat for a range of wildlife.

Lachlan profile

Birds flying across southern marshes at Macquarie wetlands


Macquarie valley area

The iconic Macquarie Marshes have played host to some of the largest water-bird breeding events in Australia’s recorded history. Environmental water is the lifeblood of the marshes along with several rivers, creeks, lagoons and ephemeral wetlands.

Macquarie profile

Featured threatened species

Common name
Booroolong Frog

Scientific name
Litoria booroolongensis

Status in NSW

Commonwealth status

The Booroolong Frog is a medium sized tree frog, with adults growing to about 5 cm. Their body-colour may be grey, olive or brown with indistinct black markings. The abdomen is white. The skin usually has a slightly warty appearance. The fingers and toes have well developed discs, and the toes are strongly webbed. The call is a soft, purring ‘craww craww craww’.

Climate change

Mean temperatures are projected to rise by 2.1 ºC by 2070. The increases are occurring across the region with the greatest increase during summer. All models show there are no declines in mean temperatures across the Central West and Orana.

Air quality Last updated at 3:00 am, 5 March 2025 AEST

Air quality data for NSW is displayed using the Air Quality Index (AQI) scale and is updated hourly.

  • Central Tablelands Good