Our research priorities

Our environmental, economic and social research programs and partnerships help inform government decision-making and planning to protect NSW’s environment now and into the future.

Our research is underpinned by rigorous scientific evidence, gathered and assessed with the best available tools.

Science, Economics and Insights Division strategic priorities are:

  1. Support adaptation to natural hazards and climate change.
  2. Drive the repair and restoration of NSW's natural capital.
  3. Provide environmental foresight.

Key research capabilities

These research capabilities identified in our Strategic Plan 2023–26 guide our research efforts:

Research partnerships

Our research partnerships align with our priority research areas. By working with partners we:

  • fill gaps in our knowledge
  • build our knowledge base
  • broaden our skills and perspectives
  • share training and information
  • combine our strengths and expertise to solve complex problems
  • deliver high quality, relevant research outcomes
  • inform and build a resilient future for New South Wales.

We have a strong history of collaboration with government colleagues and agencies, universities and the broader research community, and the private sector.

Impacts of previous collaborations can be seen in:

To find out more about partnering with us, send us an email: knowledge.strategy@environment.nsw.gov.au.


Science Economics and Insights Knowledge Statement

This knowledge statement informs how the division acquires, integrates and shares knowledge to meet the needs of the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water and broader government.



Science and Insights Strategic Plan 2023–26

The Strategic Plan sets our priorities for the next 3 years, outlining the division’s purpose, vision and objectives, and providing the support and mechanism to achieve those priorities.