Threatened species education resources

These creative activities and curriculum-linked resources will help students, teachers and parents find out more about NSW’s unique threatened plants and animals, and how Saving our Species and our partners are working to protect them.

Grey-headed flying foxes (Pteropus poliocephalus) in trees

These resources have been developed to help primary students and teachers learn about the threatened species of New South Wales. They provide information about the work being done to ensure that future generations can still witness our incredible and unique plants and animals.

– Mount Kaputar: A living volcano – a colouring book for Stage 1 to any age

– Let’s find out about NSW threatened animals – Stages 1–6

– Saving the Southern Bell Frog – Stages 2 and 3

– The Southern Bell Frog Story – a colouring book for Stage 1 to any age

– Riverina Grassland Ramblings – a colouring book for Stage 1 to any age

– Bittern or Bust – an interactive game about the endangered Australasian bittern

Manning River helmeted turtle (Myuchelys purvisi)

These resources support teachers and senior students in learning about conservation and biodiversity, including the protection and management of threatened species and ecosystems:

Manning River helmeted turtle on the Edge: Teacher resource – teacher resource for Stage 6 Science

Manning River helmeted turtle on the Edge: Student workbook – student workbook to accompany teacher resource

Regent Honeyeater on the Edge: Teacher resource – teacher resource for Stage 6 Science

Regent Honeyeater on the Edge: Student workbook – student workbook to accompany teacher resource

The Mountain Pygmy-Possum: On the edge – an interactive teacher resource for Stage 6 Geography.