Astrotricha cordata (a shrub) - endangered species listing

The Scientific Committee, established by the Threatened Species Conservation Act, has made a Final Determination to list the shrub Astrotricha cordata A. Bean as an ENDANGERED SPECIES on Part 1 of Schedule 1 of the Act. Listing of Endangered Species is provided for by Part 2 of the Act.

NSW Scientific Committee - final determination

The Scientific Committee has found that:

1. Astrotricha cordata (Araliaceae), is described by Henwood and Makinson in Harden, G.J. (1992) Flora of NSW Vol 3, University of New South Wales Press, Sydney as:

2. "Erect shrub to 3 m high, branches lacking or few and strongly ascending, branchlets woolly to floccose. Leaves deciduous at fruiting stage; lamina cordate to ovate, sometimes more or less peltate, 12-30 cm long, 7-20 cm wide; apex acute to acuminate or rarely obtuse; margins entire; upper surface smooth; lower surface with a dense sometimes floccose indumentum; petiole 7-23 cm long. Inflorescence up to 1.2 m long, glabrescent and sometimes nearly glabrous; flowers and usually peduncles deep purple underneath the indumentum. Petals purple. Fruit winged. Flowers spring."

3. Astrotricha cordata occurs in dry sclerophyll communities on exposed rocky summits and ridgetops, cliff edges, and rocky slopes in the Mt Belmore and Mt Neville area, Grafton District of north-eastern NSW. The populations are located in the Mt Belmore State Forest or the Mt Neville Nature Reserve.

4. Astrotricha cordata is restricted to 4 to 5 populations occurring quite close to each other in a relatively small area of about 120 sq. km. The total number of known plants fluctuates and is estimated to be less than 1000 individuals. The species is quite short-lived (2-4 years).

5. Astrotricha cordata is threatened by an inappropriate fire regime, track construction and maintenance, and possible damage should logging operations occur in the area.

6. In view of 2, 3 and 4 above the Scientific Committee is of the opinion that the shrub Astrotricha cordata is likely to become extinct in nature in NSW unless the circumstances and factors threatening its survival or evolutionary development cease to operate.

Proposed Gazettal date: 05/10/01
Exhibition period: 05/10/01 - 0911/01