What is the haul-out, call-out?

Haul-out Call-out is a place to report your fur seal sightings as part of the Seabirds to Seascapes Project.

What is a haul-out?

A haul-out occurs when seals temporarily leave the water to rest or reproduce. We’re interested in understanding where Australian and New Zealand fur seals are hauling out along the NSW coastline.

How you can help

As a citizen scientist, your participation in the survey to identify key hotspot locations for these fur seals is crucial. Here’s why:

  1. Conservation efforts: Australian fur seals are listed as vulnerable under the Biodiversity Conservation Act. By getting involved, you directly contribute to safeguarding their habitats and populations.
  2. Data collection: your sightings will complement drone surveys along the NSW coastline. This data provides insights into fur seal population densities and their preferred breeding habitats, informing marine conservation initiatives in New South Wales.
  3. Long-term survival: understanding fur seals’ health and breeding behaviors is critical. Your reports help researchers develop targeted conservation measures to support their populations.
  4. Mitigating conflicts: by understanding their habitat preferences and behaviors, we can reduce disturbances and minimise negative interactions between humans and seals, promoting coexistence in shared environments.

Your role matters. As a citizen scientist, your contributions directly protect and conserve Australian and New Zealand fur seals and their marine habitats. Join us in making a difference for these vulnerable species and the marine ecosystems they inhabit.

If you have any questions or feedback about this platform, please email s2s@environment.nsw.gov.au

Go to the Haul-out, Call-Out seal survey

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