A NSW Government website

Organics Infrastructure: Stream 4 – Product Quality

This stream of the Organics Infrastructure (Large and Small) grants program funds infrastructure and equipment to improve the quality of organics outputs.

This program is currently closed to applications.

Program streams

The Organics Infrastructure (Large and Small) Grants Program had 5 streams:

  1. Organics Processing Infrastructure
  2. Business Organics Recycling
  3. Food Donation
  4. Product Quality (this stream)
  5. Transfer Stations.

The Home Composting stream is no longer offered.

The Organics Infrastructure (Large and Small) Grants Program is delivered through a partnership between the NSW Environmental Trust and the Energy, Climate Change and Sustainability Division (ECCS, formerly EPA) of the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water as part of the Waste Less, Recycle More initiative.


The Product Quality stream provides funding for equipment and management systems to improve the quality and consistency of organics outputs to above regulatory requirements.

Funding available

Grants of between $10,000 and $500,000 were available to cover up to 50% of the capital costs of infrastructure.

Who can apply?

The following organisations are eligible to apply:

  • businesses experienced in waste management or organics processing
  • NSW local councils or groups of these councils
  • organisations controlled by local government or deemed to have a local-government function.

When can applications be made?

This program is currently closed.

Contact us

Environmental Trust

Grant or application enquiries

Phone: 02 8837 6093

Email: waste.recycling@environmentaltrust.nsw.gov.au

Organics Unit

General program or project-related enquiries

Phone: 02 9995 6890

Email: organics.recycling@epa.nsw.gov.au