This $12 million program helps regional councils address potential liabilities posed by landfill activities, reduce environmental risks, and contribute to the long-term protection of the environment. It has 2 streams:
- landfill consolidation and closure
- environmental improvement of landfills.
This program is being delivered through a partnership between the NSW Environmental Trust and the NSW Environment Protection Authority as part of the Waste Less, Recycle More initiative.
Funding available
Grants of up to $200,000 were available to cover up to 70% of project costs. The other 30% was covered by council in-kind or financial contributions.
One application could cover a number of landfills, or a separate application submitted for each landfill.
Who can apply?
Grants were made to councils in the Regional Levy Area and non-regulated area of New South Wales (but not those in Metropolitan Levy areas). Bodies eligible to apply were:
- NSW councils (as defined in the Local Government Act 1993)
- regional waste groups, regional organisations of councils or joint organisations of councils. These bodies could apply and/or coordinate projects on behalf of one or more NSW councils within their regional group, and each council had to nominate a contact person for the project.
When can applications be made?
This program is currently closed.