NSW Scientific Committee - final determination
The Scientific Committee has found that:
1. The orchid Genoplesium plumosum was originally published as Prasophyllum plumosum, and changed to Genoplesium plumosum by D.L. Jones and M.A. Clements in 1989.
2. Genoplesium plumosum grows to 10-20 cm high with up to 8 flowers, each one around 5 mm across. The flowers are green with reddish markings and a reddish purple labellum, which is fringed with long hairs. It grows in dry sclerophyll forest over sandstone, and flowers from December to March.
3. The species is currently known from only 1 population near Tallong, east of Marulan on the southern boundary of the NSW central tablelands.
4. Genoplesium plumosum was first described from a collection at Kurnell in 1947 but has not been collected there since, even though searches have been made. Other early records in NSW are from Asquith and Wahroonga and it has also been collected from Stanthorpe in Qld. There have been no further collections at these locations, and it is considered the Tallong population is the only current extant population of the species.
5. It is presently only known from 2 small colonies located 400m apart in remnant bushland. These 2 colonies are considered as the one population and contain a total of 20-30 plants.
6. The species is threatened by clearing.
7. In view of 3, 4, 5 & 6 above the Scientific Committee is of the opinion that the species is likely to become extinct in nature in NSW unless the circumstances and factors threatening its survival cease to operate.
Associate Professor Paul Adam
Deputy Chairperson
Scientific Committee
Gazetted: 18/7/97