Councils play a key role in managing their local environment. This includes protecting environmental values, reducing or controlling threats to native wildlife, and increasing awareness in the community about native wildlife and vegetation.
We’ve developed these resources for councils and local communities to use to:
- support koalas and their habitat
- manage or maintain natural environments in their local area
- increase awareness about threats to koalas and other wildlife, such as vehicle strike and attack by domestic dogs.
Koala habitat revegetation
Habitat revegetation aims to help conserve koala populations by reducing the loss and fragmentation of their habitat.
Our Koala habitat restoration guidelines provide evidence-based recommendations and best-practice methods for revegetating koala habitat.
Seven koala management areas (KMAs) have been created to facilitate conservation work with koalas and their habitat. The KMAs provide regional divisions across New South Wales, partly based on the distribution of preferred koala food trees and partly on local council boundaries to make management of resources easier.
Image: Map of New South Wales showing the 7 koala management areas (KMAs).
This series of koala habitat revegetation fact sheets provide information specific to each KMA, including practical ways koala habitat can be revegetated:
- North Coast Koala Management Area
- Central Coast Koala Management Area
- South Coast Koala Management Area
- Northern Tablelands Koala Management Area
- Central and Southern Tablelands Koala Management Area
- Western Slopes and Plains Koala Management Area
- Far West and South West Koala Management Area
How to prevent koala vehicle strike
This series of fact sheets provides information about the impacts of vehicle strike on koalas and how this can be reduced: