NSW Scientific Committee - final determination
The Scientific Committee has found that:
1. Sophora tomentosa L. is a coastal shrub in the Fabaceae. It is described by Harden, G.J. 1991 Sophora in Flora of New South Wales, Vol. 2. UNSW Press. Page 403 as "Shrub or small tree to 5m high. Leaves 10-20cm long; leaflets usually 11-17, ovate to more or less circular, 20-40mm long, 10-30mm wide, apex obtuse or retuse, margins entire, greyish to white tomentose; petiole 10-30mm long; lateral petiolules 2-4mm long. Racemes 10-15cm long; pedicels 5-7mm long. Calyx c. 6mm long. Corolla 20-25mm long, pale yellow. Pod moniliform, indehiscent, 10-18cm long, up to 14mm diam., tomentose, strongly constricted between seeds; seeds 5-10, c. 6mm long. Flowers winter."
2. Sophora tomentosa L. occurs on recent sands on frontal coastal dunes. Historic records suggest it was a fairly common plant from Port Stephens northwards. Populations previously recorded from Tweed Heads, Coffs Harbour and Iluka are now thought to be extinct. The currently known southern limit of distribution is at Old Bar, near Taree. The largest known population at Port Macquarie is estimated at up to 500 plants, other populations are of less than 20 plants.
3. Sophora tomentosa L. is threatened by displacement by the invasive bitou bush (Chrysanthemoides monilifera subsp. rotundata), clearance of vegetation and recreational use of beaches and foredunes.
4. In view of the historic decline in distribution and abundance, the low population size and the threats in 3 above the Scientific Committee is of the opinion that Sophora tomentosa L. is likely to become extinct in nature in New South Wales unless the circumstances and factors threatening its survival or evolutionary development cease to operate.
Proposed Gazettal date: 15/06/01
Exhibition period: 15/06/01 - 20/07/01