A NSW Government website

Local government training and resources


Biodiversity Offsets Scheme Local Government Webinar Series

Our Biodiversity Offsets Scheme webinar series is designed to support local government in fulfilling their roles and responsibilities under the scheme. While the webinars are targeted to local government, other scheme participants will likely benefit from topics presented.

For pre-recorded webinars, questions can be lodged via the BOS Help Desk Customer Portal and will be published as a consolidated set of questions on the Portal. Published questions will remain anonymous.

Webinar Recordings

BOAMS for local government

Biodiversity Offsets and Agreement Management System (BOAMS) is the case management system used by the department to administer the Biodiversity Offsets Scheme (the scheme) and by scheme participants to manage information and data throughout the various steps of the scheme.

This webinar provides guidance on how to use BOAMS as a consent authority and addresses how to:

  1. review BAM-C assessments, and
  2. notify the department of a development approval with an associated credit obligation.

This webinar recording is accompanied by closed captions and a written transcript.

Download webinar slides.



eLearning program

The department’s eLearning program is designed to help you understand:

  • the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 (NSW)
  • the Biodiversity Assessment Method
  • the roles and responsibilities of local government in the Biodiversity Offsets Scheme. 

Local government employees can apply for sponsorship to undertake WSP’s 12-part online eLearning series by:

  • downloading the Sponsorship expression of interest form available on the WSP training website. Go to Biodiversity Offsets Scheme Training, then scroll down to Local Government Training to find the form
  • emailing your completed form to [email protected]

Local Government Resource Manual 

The NSW Biodiversity Offsets Scheme Local Government Resource Manual provides information about: 

  • review and assessment of development and vegetation clearing proposals 
  • the Biodiversity Offsets Scheme, including the Biodiversity Assessment Method 
  • local government officer roles and responsibilities as a decision maker 
  • accessing key resources, tools and guidance for your role.

NSW Biodiversity Offsets Scheme Local Government Resource Manual