There are 2 key NSW government agencies that administer and support the Biodiversity Offsets Scheme.
Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
The department is the administrator and regulator of the scheme, responsible for:
- maintaining key legislation governing the scheme
- maintaining the Biodiversity Assessment Method and supporting rules, policies and systems
- accrediting and monitoring assessors who apply the Biodiversity Assessment Method
- maintaining public registers, including for creating, transferring and retiring credits
- delivering programs and reforms in policy and governance to improve how the Biodiversity Offsets Scheme operates to maximise conservation outcomes
- fast-tracking supply of biodiversity credits by proactively supporting landholders to enter into biodiversity stewardship agreements that generate priority credits (credits most likely to be in demand)
- assessing and approving new biodiversity stewardship agreements – note the Biodiversity Conservation Trust is responsible for the management of biodiversity stewardship agreements and making payments through the Biodiversity Stewardship Payments Fund
- operating the Biodiversity Credits Supply Fund to improve the biodiversity credits market, lower the cost of in-demand credits and increase credit availability for proponents to support the delivery of infrastructure and projects across New South Wales
- enhancing conservation benefits by contributing to regional and landscape-scale conservation objectives, integrating private and public land measures and contributing to an integrated biodiversity strategy for the state
- providing additional credit market information, tools and support.
To learn more, go to:
Biodiversity Conservation Trust
The Biodiversity Conservation Trust oversees Biodiversity Stewardship Agreements and the Biodiversity Stewardship Payments Fund including by:
- assisting landholders to manage their biodiversity stewardship sites, including supporting annual reporting processes
- ensuring compliance with Biodiversity Stewardship Agreement management actions, including ecological monitoring
- managing the Biodiversity Stewardship Payments Fund (which holds management funding also called Total Fund Deposits, for each agreement) and administering annual management payments to landholders.
The Biodiversity Conservation Trust also manages the Biodiversity Conservation Fund. This includes:
- buying credits from landholders to meet offset obligations that have been transferred to the trust
- retiring credits to meet the trust’s obligations
- administering the Biodiversity Conservation Fund Charge System, which determines the amount that scheme participants must pay to meet their offset obligations
- administering the biodiversity credits price estimation service.
The Biodiversity Conservation Trust also purchases biodiversity credits to meet the offset requirements of NSW Government priority projects and programs, such as Sydney Region Growth Centres and the Cumberland Plain Conservation Plan.
Learn more about the Biodiversity Conservation Trust.
Biodiversity Conservation Investment Strategy 2018Biodiversity Conservation Investment Strategy 2018
This strategy will guide the Biodiversity Conservation Trust to deliver the government’s investment in private land conservation to areas where it will have the greatest conservation benefits.