Taskforce for Climate-related Financial Disclosures statements

National Parks and Wildlife Service is one of the first NSW Government agencies to publicly release the Taskforce for Climate-related Financial Disclosures statement and will report biennially to provide the NSW community with updated information on climate impacts and our climate risk management activities.

The NSW Government has committed to publishing a biennial climate change impacts, risks and adaptation statement which will set out the economic, financial and physical impacts, risks and opportunities of climate change on the State across various climate scenarios.

The statement is consistent with the framework established by the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures and other international guidance and standards, and will be peer reviewed by an appropriately qualified person such as an auditor. National Parks and Wildlife Service is amongst the first agencies to deliver on this promise by undertaking a comprehensive climate change risk assessment and delivering the first biennial report for 2021–22.

The benefits associated with disclosing Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures aligned information or other sustainability related matters include:

  • helping meet the community’s increasing demand for clarity on how government is managing and capitalising on potential risks and opportunities related to climate change
  • aligning with international leading practices on climate risk reporting.