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NSW Clean Air Strategy – 2024 implementation highlights

The NSW Clean Air Strategy 2021–30 is the whole-of-government approach to improving air quality and health in cities and regions throughout New South Wales.


Agencies across NSW Government are delivering the Clean Air Strategy actions under 5 key priority themes.

Better preparedness for pollution events

Projects under this theme improve what we know about the health impacts of air pollution on NSW communities and how we communicate it, to reduce those health impacts including from bushfires, hazard reduction burns and dust storms.

  • Developed information resources to enable councils to use air quality sensing technologies to address air quality issues.
  • Deployed low-cost air quality sensors in the local government areas of participating councils, data from which will inform local air quality interventions and initiatives.
  • Implemented an online Air Quality Collaboration Hub to inform the use of low-cost air quality sensing to address air quality issues.
  • Developed the system for uploading council collected air quality data onto the NSW SEED portal.
  • Acquired additional mobile air monitoring trailers to expand the government’s emergency response capability during extreme pollution events.
  • Deployed emergency monitoring and low-cost sensors to support EPA major incident management.
  • Improved accuracy of air quality forecasts in Sydney using the most up-to-date air quality modelling system from the United States of America's EPA.
  • Released the NSW Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan in May 2024, which commits to action to increase resilience and adaptation to climate-change-induced air quality and health impacts. 

Cleaner industry

This theme focuses on improving air emissions management by supporting a reliable, affordable, and sustainable electricity future; helping industry and mining to lower and manage emissions; regulating energy from waste; and assisting local councils to manage air pollution.

  • Continued to implement the NSW Net Zero Industry and Innovation Program including:
    • provided $6.8 million in grant funding for Clean Technology Innovation 
    • launched the Net Zero Manufacturing Initiative, which encompasses Round 2 of the Clean Technology Innovation program, with $25 million available in grant funding 
    • engaged more than 200 start-ups through the Clean Technology Innovation program to provide the companies with mentoring on their business model
    • established the Clean Energy Living Lab at the University of Wollongong with a program to commercialise research-based projects in clean agriculture and food technologies.
  • Investigated advances in how to measure greenhouse gases that can be used to inform and improve regulatory approaches.
  • Commissioned the University of NSW to conduct a greenhouse gas survey to measure the concentrations of methane, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide along public roads in Western Sydney.
  • NSW hydrogen hub grant recipients continued to develop their projects. The recipients are in the Hunter Valley hydrogen hub, Illawarra hydrogen technology hub and Good Earth green hydrogen and ammonia near Moree. These projects will provide green hydrogen for energy and transport applications to help the economy transition from fossil fuels. 
  • NSW regulators contributed to the National Hydrogen Regulatory Review work on establishing National Hydrogen Codes of Best Practice for hydrogen production, storage, use and distribution in the move away from using fossil fuels.
  • In response to concerns from the community, the EPA required Orica to reduce emissions at their plant in Newcastle. Orica has subsequently implemented new pollution controls to significantly reduce PM2.5 emissions by 95%.
  • Updated the Local Government Air Quality Toolkit which provides information and guidance to help local councils manage air quality matters in their local government areas. 
  • Collaborated with the Clean Air Society of Australia and New Zealand to deliver training to local councils on understanding and managing air quality with support from the toolkit. Officers from 27 councils, of which 8 were from metropolitan Sydney and 19 from regional New South Wales, attended the first round of training in December 2024. 

Cleaner transport, engines and fuels

Activities under this theme aim to reduce air emissions and impacts from vehicles, fuels and non-road diesel sources by integrating air quality improvements into transport planning, programs, projects and policies.

  • To support use of electric vehicles and help create a world-class electric vehicle charging network, the NSW Government approved $4.1 million co-funding for Round 2 of the Destination Charging program. This will deliver 376 sites and 941 ports, in collaboration with private businesses, local governments and community groups.
  • Opened Round 3 of the Destination Charging grant program. This round focuses on fast charging along 32 regional road trip routes with $12 million in funding available.
  • Opened the electric vehicle fleets incentive program for funding applications.
  • Implemented single hydrogen bus trials in both the Hunter and Illawarra, providing a rich level of insight and understanding of the technology's potential.
  • Completed the evaluation of the first wave of overhead recharging battery electric buses, comprising 276 buses, in tranche 1 of the Zero Emissions Buses program
  • Entered into design and maintenance contracts to install 95 charging stations across 19 sites. This initiative is part of a comprehensive transition and infrastructure roadmap aimed at electrifying the Transport for NSW passenger vehicle fleet by 2030.
  • Continued to decarbonise the heavy vehicles sector through developing initiatives and incentives with hydrogen and other renewable fuels.
  • Pursued initiatives such as a refuelling roadmap, H-EV trial and comparative vehicle informational tool under the Towards Net Zero Emissions Freight Policy to support uptake of low and zero emissions heavy vehicles. 
  • Amended the Heavy Vehicle (Mass, Dimension and Loading) National Regulation to provide concessions for vehicles that comply with Euro VI vehicle emission standards. This will encourage industry to use cleaner heavy vehicles, under Euro VI vehicle emission standards, while safeguarding freight productivity.
  • Released the Opportunities for a renewable fuel industry in NSW (PDF 1.1MB) discussion paper for public consultation in August 2024. Stakeholder feedback from the consultations will help identify where action is needed to accelerate transition to net zero.
  • Began the roll out of the Travel Choices program that supports individuals, businesses and organisations to prepare for and adapt to network changes, including by encouraging mode shift to public and active transport. This includes developing data-led transport strategies and communications initiatives to help shape travel demand and provide coordinated, timely and seamless information to the travelling public so they can make informed travel choices.
  • Continued to deliver initiatives to reduce reliance on emissions intensive transport through:
    • continuing to embed travel demand management principles in delivering NSW transport projects, including the Warringah Freeway Upgrade, Sydney Gateway, Parramatta Light Rail, Sydney Metro City and Southwest, and the closure of the Sydenham to Bankstown train line 
    • launching the Get Kids Active program webpage, which provides information and resources for students, parents and carers to support walking and riding to school, reducing the reliance on vehicles for short trips. Bike skills courses have also been delivered across 18 schools 
    • releasing the strategic cycleway corridor network maps which are available to the public on the Strategic Cycleway Corridors website
    • strengthening the government’s commitment to enabling and promoting e-micromobility as a safe, accessible and sustainable transport option in New South Wales, releasing a NSW E-micromobility Action Plan (PDF 517KB) in October 2024 
    • working closely with NSW councils to enable trials of shared e-scooters, in response to the growing popularity of e-scooters and need to safely manage their use.

Healthier households

Projects under this theme help reduce air emissions from household activities, improve knowledge about the impacts of wood heater emissions, empower local government to better manage smoke from wood heaters, and integrate air quality protections in the planning system.

  • Published the updated Local Government Air Quality Toolkit wood heater guidance to support local councils to better manage wood smoke air quality in their communities.
  • Supported Standards Australia's review of wood heater emission and efficiency standards which proposes a stricter emission standard for domestic solid fuel heaters.
  • Conducted research to improve government’s understanding of the health impacts of wood heaters and the effectiveness of different types of interventions including filtration, education and financial incentive schemes.

Better places

This theme aims to reduce impacts of air pollution on communities through better planning and design of places and buildings. 

  • Continued supporting Greater Sydney councils to strengthen strategic management of the urban forest and contribute to long-term tree canopy targets through the Greener Neighbourhoods program. Increasing tree canopy can significantly improve air quality by absorbing pollutants, converting carbon dioxide into oxygen, and reducing ground-level ozone through temperature reduction.
  • Supported councils to develop locally appropriate green infrastructure targets, urban forest strategies and planning controls that ensure new development areas support urban greening.
  • Updated the Transport Oriented Development Accelerated Precincts urban design guides to include sustainable outcomes through integrating green infrastructure considerations to enhance tree canopy in housing development projects.