The NSW Government maintains 20 air quality monitoring stations in the Hunter Valley, including 3 government-funded stations in the Lower Hunter, 3 industry-funded stations around the port of Newcastle, one mixed industry and government-funded, as well as 13 industry-funded stations in the Upper Hunter.
The government-operated, industry-funded Upper Hunter and Newcastle Local air quality monitoring networks were established in 2011 and 2014, respectively, to monitor local industrial and other pollution sources. Due to the proximity of industrial sources, compliance reporting against the national ambient air quality standards is not applied at these monitoring stations. The exceptions are the Upper Hunter large population centre stations at Muswellbrook, Singleton and Aberdeen, which have been reported for compliance purposes since 2020.
However, the government recognises the community's interest in knowing how air pollution levels at these stations compare against the standards. Therefore, this section refers to national standards as national benchmarks when evaluating air quality data throughout the Hunter Valley.
More information on these networks can be found on our website, including seasonal newsletters and air quality monitoring reports.