Our neighbours are:
- public or private landholders (including leaseholders) who have a common boundary with NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS)-managed lands or whose properties are accessed through a park
- government agencies that manage land or public service utilities in parks, whose activities may be affected by NPWS activities or may affect NPWS park management
- communities ('neighbour communities') living close to parks, who are affected by NPWS activities and whose activities may also affect NPWS park management.
NPWS manages land to conserve nature and cultural heritage. We provide educational and recreational opportunities that foster appreciation of nature, Aboriginal heritage and historic heritage in the community.
Neighbours may manage their land with a range of objectives, such as agricultural production, maintaining exotic gardens or conserving wildlife.
NPWS recognises these diverse objectives. Where possible, we seek to involve neighbours in decision-making processes and work together on management activities that address landscape-scale issues.
Our advisory committees, which contribute to park management, are an important link with local communities.
- We acknowledge that NPWS is responsible for the good management and stewardship of land, and we will carry out that responsibility in active communication with neighbours.
- We recognise the right of neighbours to undertake their activities without undue impacts from our activities. We encourage our neighbours to do the same.
- We will conform to generally accepted standards of neighbourly conduct and strive for constructive relations with our neighbours.