This program is now closed to applications.
Please visit the ongoing grants program page for the current list of NSW Environmental Trust contestable grants, amounts being offered and opening and closing dates.
Bega River and Wetlands Landcare Group Inc.
Bega River and wetlands river oak regeneration project – $249,580
Bega River and wetlands river oak regeneration project aims to achieve the ecological recovery of a four kilometre stretch of the lower Bega River around the urban township of Bega. This significant stretch takes in the Bega/Brogo River confluence and associated wetlands, including the Bega River Anabranch and Spenco Lagoon. This will involve the regeneration and protection of important remnant stands of mature river oaks, including revegetation with understorey species and reconnection with nearby wetlands. This project will improve habitat values and geomorphic stability of the riverine ecosystem at Bega and its estuary. Set in a landscape of freehold, Crown and council managed land, the project seeks to engage a number of community groups, agencies, landholders and industries to adopt recovery and take stewardship of their reach of river.
Ballina Coast Care Incorporated
EEC restoration at five East Ballina Headland and wetland sites – $238,923
On five biodiversity-rich endangered ecological community sites, contractors supported by volunteers will remove and control ground asparagus (A. aethiopicus), one of the most invasive weeds affecting forests, wetlands, dunes and headlands across coastal NSW. This will protect swamp sclerophyll, coast cypress, littoral rainforest, swamp oak forest and coastal saltmarsh communities, and build on previous limited-term programs. Without sustained control, weed reinvasion will occur. Long-term support is thus critical to achieve necessary follow-up as well as to tackle topographic challenges in these difficult coastal and estuarine environments. Our efforts will reduce the impact of all weeds including weeds of national significance, ground asparagus in particular, stimulating natural regrowth and floristic diversity, to begin the repair of presently fragmented wildlife corridors across a large area of East Ballina.
Big Scrub Rainforest Landcare Group Inc.
Rehabilitating/restoring endangered lowland subtropical rainforest – $249,900
This multi-stakeholder project involves: (1) regenerating and improving the ongoing health, resilience and ecological connectivity of 640 hectares of critically endangered lowland rainforest of subtropical Australia, which is habitat for 43 species listed as threatened under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act and is home to less than 70 threatened species under the NSW Threatened Species Act ; (2) improving the capacity of and engaging through community plantings the members of Big Scrub Landcare and Bangalow Land and Rivercare, two local community groups whose primary purpose is to undertake environmental works in their local area to protect, restore and enhance the environment; and (3) engaging these members and the broader community and enhancing their knowledge of endangered lowland rainforest, including its unique biodiversity values, its critically endangered status and to motivate them to aid its restoration by caring for remnants and regenerating rainforest on their properties.
Coal Point Progress Assoc. Neighbourhood Watch & Landcare Inc.
Threatened species last stand on the Coal Point Peninsula – $250,000
The Coal Point Peninsula ridge land and Carey Bay floodplain hold the remnants of a botanically bygone era. The ornamental gardens of early settlers from the 1800’s have become environmental transformers. This project will regenerate a 20.2 hectare mosaic of public-private bushland along the Coal Point ridge and 8.7 hectare of wetlands and catchment at Carey Bay. A successful 17 year history of local land caring has inspired the Coal Point land carers to undertake a whole peninsula project to protect and preserve three endangered ecological communities, two endangered populations and five vulnerable species. Social media will support community monitoring, participation and information sharing.
Deua Rivercare
Deua River riparian restoration project – $223,993
The Deua Rivercare group aims to restore 42 kilometres of the Deua River riparian zone by engaging the community and landholders in controlling invasive weed species and other threats to the riparian zone including erosion and pest animals. The project will extend over all land tenures to enable a holistic approach in managing the threats to the riparian area of the Deua River from the Araluen Creek junction to the tidal limit at the Burra Creek junction. The project will increase the capacity of landholders along the Deua River to undertake environmental works on their own properties and the capacity of Rivercare volunteers to assist with project works and ongoing maintenance of the project sites. The end result will be a healthy riparian zone and improved vegetation connectivity between the hinterland and the coast to support the movement of threatened species.
Dubbo Macquarie River Bushcare
Dubbo Macquarie River Bushcare protect-repair-connect project – $250,000
The Macquarie River Bushcare protect-repair-connect project aims to assist the recovery of the endangered Trout Cod through the repair and enhancement of priority habitat areas. Priority sites are within Crown reserves and private land along a 100 kilometre reach of the riverine corridor and riparian woodland of the Macquarie River near Dubbo NSW. Activities will be undertaken by Dubbo Macquarie River Bushcare with support from project partners. A detailed plan and schedule of works will map out the coordination of working bees and training days, the reintroduction of in-stream large woody habitat, erosion repair works, control of weeds, re-establishing riparian vegetation through livestock removal/control, pedestrian and traffic management and improved awareness through the installation of signage, media and showcase days.
Far South Coast Landcare Association
Protecting the NSW wilderness coast (Bega Valley Shire) – $249,999
This project will eradicate or contain ten environmental weeds capable of massively degrading various as yet largely weed free, well conserved vegetation communities along the NSW far south coast. Other environmental weeds present will also be controlled in order of priority as to threats posed. A project officer will co-ordinate, direct and monitor the actions of: Koori work crews conducting a thorough search and weed sweep of the coast every six months; volunteer groups operating from coastal settlements; independent community volunteers; agency staff; professional weed control contractors. This 'whole of landscape' approach is informed by comprehensive data on infestation size and location, co-ordinates the efforts of all interests involved in environmental weed control, and will ensure continuity of effort and attention to the weed threat.
Greening Australia (NSW) Ltd
Windsor to the weir - a community corridor – $250,000
Located in a catchment of national significance, this project aims to support existing local landcare and bushcare groups along the Hawkesbury Nepean River. There are eight groups that have been working tirelessly but in isolation at different sites along the river from Windsor to the Penrith Weir. This grant will provide support to these groups and help create a sense of connectivity and 'bigger picture'. The project will also provide an opportunity to create a greater sense and understanding of 'Living on the River' by engaging with the broader community, including recreational users, private landholders, corporate groups and industry.
Jetty Dunecare Group Inc.
Coffs Creek to Boambee Creek community bush regeneration – $250,000
The Coffs Creek to Boambee Creek community bush regeneration project will build on previous grant applications under Coffs Coast State Park - Boambee Beach Rehabilitation Stages 1 (completed in 2010) and 2 (currently under an existing Trust application process). The project will concentrate on the coastal corridor between Boambee Creek and Coffs Creek (excluding existing grant areas) covering eight kilometres of Coffs coastline totalling a collective area of 133 hectares. This area represents 83 per cent of an important regional scale coastal corridor system linking Bongil Bongil National Park with the Coffs Coast Regional Park system. The project will concentrate on weed removal, stabilising the barrier dune system with assisted regeneration, restoration of closed unauthorised vehicle tracks and extending walking trails from Sawtell to Coffs Harbour.
Jiggi Catchment Landcare Inc.
Rehabilitating high conservation value habitats and corridors – $250,000
The project will engage professional bush regenerators working alongside landcare members to protect and enhance high conservation value vegetation that links key habitat for threatened species and forms regional corridors for threatened species including the Rose-Crowned Fruit Dove. The project will provide assistance to a number of landcare groups/members to conserve and enhance respective remnant vegetation opening and strengthening species migration pathways whilst ensuring a vigorous genetic base and continuous migration corridors in times of threat. Environmental weeds including lantana are degrading native plant communities and limiting regeneration. The capacity of land care group members to manage sites will be enhanced through training in restoration techniques and working alongside professional bush regenerators.
Kangaroo Valley Environment Group Inc.
Repairing riparian habitats along the Kangaroo River system – $204,372
The project will continue and accelerate the restoration of riparian native vegetation communities at 47 sites involving 41 separate landowners along 27 kilometres of the Kangaroo River and its tributaries, from the upper catchment areas to near Bendeela. All sites are current or past landcare sites that have received effective weed spraying, cut and paint, hand removal and/or replanting at various times over the past 12 years. This project will extend this work into a new phase with a greater focus on secondary and tertiary weed control, revegetation, increased species diversity in depauperate communities and biodiversity enhancement. The project will be delivered over 103 hectares of native vegetation, riparian habitat along the Kangaroo River, Brogers, Ryders, Sawyers and Gerringong Creeks and their tributary gullies and unnamed creeks.
Macdonald Valley Association Inc.
Rescue the future-restoring the Macdonald Valley ecosystem – $250,000
Project supports recovery of indigenous plant communities in targeted areas. It will build on past projects with a shift in emphasis to ongoing improvement of entire area as buffer zone for the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area. This area provides habitat for threatened species: eg. brush-tailed rock wallaby, Adams emerald dragon fly, yellow-bellied glider and koala. The project will support ecological recovery in terrestrial and riparian zones via weed management and re-establishment of contiguous corridors. The target is tree of heaven and other weed threats. Project aims are to remove all seed banks and other threatening weeds and protect natural areas from re-infestation and increase ongoing volunteer activity.
Macleay Landcare Network Inc.
Revisiting vine weeds in the Upper Macleay riverbank – $250,000
The project area is 13 kilometres of riparian land running through multiple landholders including private land hold, Crown lands and Aboriginal Land in the Upper Macleay Catchment. The project site starts from Georges Junction and runs to Blackbird Flat within the Lower Creek area. This area has the most severe infestation of vine weeds, madeira vine and cat's claw and other emergent weeds and is a major source of downstream infestations into the Kempsey local government area. This project aims to revisit riparian work conducted between 2004 and 2010, which initially treated major infestations using landholder and indigenous efforts. The vine weeds remain an ongoing threat to riparian vegetation along the Macleay River, and this project aims to further reduce infestations to restore natural riparian vegetation, and reduce future reseeding and spread into the catchment.
Mulgoa Valley Landcare Group
Mulgoa Creek resilience and restoration strategy - 2012 to 2018 – $250,000
This project will restore native vegetation along the Mulgoa Creek riparian corridor (Cumberland Plain) by: (1) improving the landscape resilience – managing key invasive weeds at priority sites (weed hot spots) presently beyond the capacity of landowners, thereby allowing landowners and Mulgoa Valley Landcare Group to progressively achieve independent site management; (2) improve community capacity – providing a landowner support officer to deliver on-site conservation land management training and assistance to a at least 12 landowners within the project area; and (3) provide a comparative review of 20 years of landcare in Mulgoa by re-examining the ‘1999 Mulgoa Creek Bush Resilience and Restoration Strategy’ and the baseline weed mapping undertaken in the study.
Murrumbidgee Landcare Association Incorporated
Cross property planning to balance production and conservation – $249,900
This project, a community partnership with Landcare and National Resource Management groups, addresses the issue of ongoing degradation of native vegetation in the Central Murrumbidgee. Native vegetation in this region, especially the endangered Box Gum Woodland, now exists predominantly in small, scattered remnants, on multiple tenures. We will implement the proven cross-property approach to link and enhance the fragmented remnants in the landscape. This will involve engagement of landholders, education and capacity-building to foster understanding and awareness, and on-ground works. The project has grown out of the expressed desire of local landholders to work together to protect and restore our native habitat.
Myall Koala and Environmental Group Inc. (MKEG)
Endangered koala habitat and corridor restoration in Hawks Nest – $234,500
A 32 hectare project site that links Yacaaba Headland to Hawks Nest village and Myall Lakes National Park contains significant habitat for the local endangered koala population, rare and endangered plants and littoral rainforest (endangered ecological communities); and is culturally significant to the local Worimi people. The project area is under threat from weeds, and coastal erosion. This project will support local community volunteers in the regeneration and stabilisation of key koala habitat that has become heavily infested with bitou bush (and other weeds) over the past 15 years. It will engage the local Aboriginal community to restore and stabilise culturally sensitive areas, as well as improve the health, biodiversity and resilience of this significant ecosystem. A community education program will engage local residents on pertinent environmental issues.
Orama RiverCare Association Inc. (ORCA)
Upper Bellinger River lowland rainforest resilience building project – $241,087
Protection, restoration and regeneration of lowland rainforest along 11.5 kilometres (350 hectares) of the Upper Bellinger River. This area is an important part of the Great Escarpment (Great Eastern Ranges), linking two Gondwana World Heritage Areas (New England and Dorrigo National Parks). Parts of the riparian zone are infested with invasive vines and other weeds. These weed infestations are the upper-most in the catchment. Undertaking regeneration work in collaboration with National Parks and Wildlife Services and Forests NSW across the landscape will have catchment-wide benefits. The project will improve the health and resilience of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems and benefit over 35 threatened species.
Orara Valley River Care Groups Management Committee Inc.
Regenerating rainforest in strategic Orara Valley riparian corridors – $250,000
Regenerating rainforest in strategic Orara Valley riparian corridors will support landholders to improve the condition of lowland subtropical rainforest on floodplain which is an endangered ecological community in the NSW North Coast bioregion. This precious rainforest exists in degraded vegetation corridors along Orara River, Urumbilum River, Bucca Bucca Creek and their tributaries. Work on the tributaries connect the vegetation corridors on the main river channels to well forested hill slopes under National Park and State Forest tenures, reinforcing larger east west running corridors linking coastal vegetation to the escarpment. The river system and corridors form habitat for the endangered eastern freshwater cod; threatened species including bush hen, wompoo fruit dove, rose crown fruit dove; grey headed flying fox and endangered frog species.
Palm Grove Ourimbah Creek Landcare Inc.
Ourimbah Creek floodplain rainforest and wetland regeneration – $240,000
This project will improve native biodiversity and reduce sediment and nutrient flow to Tuggerah Lake by rehabilitating an endangered rainforest ecosystem and wetland on the floodplain of Ourimbah Creek. While protecting an important source of town water, it will provide improved habitat for 350 recorded species of native biota, including several listed as ‘vulnerable’ (Melaleuca biconvexa, magenta lilly pilly, sooty owl and powerful owl). The survival of locally threatened rainforest trees such as white beech, yellow ash and strangler fig will be ensured. As a hub for biological corridors it will decrease the genetic isolation of frog and other species that have become rare and add to the habitat of the larger predators such as goanna and wedge tailed eagle.
Pittwater Environmental Foundation
Upper Mullet Creek catchment biodiversity restoration project – $250,000
The project aims to protect and conserve the biodiversity of Mullet Creek and tributaries from Elanora Heights down to Warriewood, through Ingleside Chase, Irrawong Reserve and Epworth Park bushland reserves. This catchment contains significant, high value, riparian vegetation of littoral rainforest, swamp sclerophyll forests on coastal floodplains and coastal moist forests. This in turn will help reduce the threat of weeds and their impacts to the ecosystems of the lower catchment within the Warriewood Wetlands, the largest freshwater wetlands in northern Sydney; and Narrabeen Lagoon, the largest coastal lagoon in the Sydney Metropolitan Region. The project will include control of noxious and environmental weeds, protection and enhancement of habitat -wildlife corridors, revegetation of degraded riparian areas, and community education and engagement.
Port Macquarie Landcare Group Inc.
Port Macquarie's Yarranabee and Wrights Creek rehabilitation – $250,000
56 hectares of significant remnant forest corridors survive on Yarranabee and Wrights Creeks in urban Port Macquarie and include three state and/or nationally threatened ecological communities that provide habitat to at least 11 threatened animals and two plant species. Weeds threaten this biodiversity and increase fire risk to these fire sensitive riparian areas. This project will control weeds from the top of each catchment, following Asset Protection Zone establishment by the Council. Land carers will lead community groups and neighbours by coordinating contractors to regenerate these reserves and their precious cargo. Revegetation with fire-retardant rainforest species will seal edges, extend corridors and improve links. Connectivity will be improved, biodiversity and threatened species will benefit and ecosystem services will be enhanced.
Puckeys Estate Bushcare Group
Restoring remnants of significance: Puckeys Estate and Bellambi Dunes – $240,000
The project will focus on supporting the excellent natural resilience of coastal vegetation remnants at Bellambi Dunes and Lagoon, and Puckeys Estate, in Wollongong NSW. On-ground restoration work will aim to regenerate degraded areas to improve connectivity between and within these remnants. Experienced bush restoration contractors will be engaged to support community groups currently working at these sites and carry out weed control with a particular focus within, and adjacent to endangered ecological communities, and the estuary fringes and embankments. Revegetation will be utilised to assist establishing native vegetation after aerial spraying for bitou bush have left areas exposed, and also to reduce the effects of edges and informal tracks. Guided walks, planting days, and media promotion of the project will aim at engaging and retaining new volunteers.
Soldiers Point-Salamander Bay Landcare Committee
Benapi Point corridors restoration project – $246,000
This project aims to restore the ecosystem balance between native plants and animals, and the weed incursions on the Soldiers Point peninsula, Port Stephens, where urban development has fragmented the bush environment. Weed Control will comprise repeated, targeted treatment of six years using industry-approved minimal disturbance techniques, combined with replanting local species to repair corridor gaps and edge intrusions. Community volunteers and professional staff will co-ordinate work jointly to empower the community group to learn techniques for ongoing control and monitoring of the local ecosystem.
South West Rocks (SWR) Community Dune Care Group
Enhancing resilience of 12 kilometres of coastal EECs from Smoky Cape to SWR – $249,000
This project expands and cements the strategic weed management started by SWRDC in 2001 into a fully integrated multi-land-tenure project covering 600 hectares over 12 kilometres of coast. It brings together ad-hoc projects undertaken by land managers and volunteers including indigenous and school groups in the area, facilitating work in partnership under the umbrella of the SWRDC Weed Plan. This Plan provides clear strategies for restoring endangered ecological communities, littoral rainforest and themeda grasslands and enhances the resilience of the entire area. Stabilisation of dunes in the face of potential coastal erosion will be of major benefit for protecting infrastructure.
Tamworth Regional Landcare AssociationRegeneration of grassy white box communities in the Tamworth region – $237,406
Tennyson Park Bushcare Group
Bushcare connections - linking EECs along the Lane Cove River – $238,338
Bushcare groups will undertake a strategic approach to bush regeneration and foster communication between groups along the lower reaches of Lane Cove River. Bush regeneration activities will improve ecological connectivity and restore Endangered Ecological Communities (EECs) including coastal saltmarsh, swamp oak floodplain forest, Sydney turpentine ironbark forest and littoral rainforest. Three bushcare groups from Lane Cove Council area will participate. Bush regeneration activities undertaken will follow best practice bush regeneration. Trained bush regenerators will work alongside bushcare groups to undertake specialist tasks (e.g. working in EECs).
Tilligerry Habitat Association Inc.
Tilligerry Peninsula community bush regeneration project – $250,000
Tilligerry Peninsula has some wonderful bushland which contains habitat for a variety of threatened species including koalas, spotted-tailed quoll, squirrel gliders, bush stone curlew, and Wallum froglet. Unfortunately this important coastal habitat is under threat from invading weeds. This project aims to provide much needed resources to assist community volunteers to remove weeds and revegetate with local native species. The local community will be engaged through volunteer training, workshops, and weeding and planting activities. We will be aiming to develop an attitude of community care for our weed free Tilligerry Peninsula.
Towamba Valley Landcare Group Inc.
Three EECs deserve a Towamba Landcare management system – $249,769
Three endangered ecological communities (EECs), under-resourced and threatened by more than three major weeds, will become intelligently managed using Bega Valley Shire Council management contracts developed by our landcare group that specify management activities and planned controls. We will be looking to the landscape but focussing on the Myanba fig forests, the lowland grassy woodlands and the littoral rainforest as our achievable target. Where weed control is beyond the landholder we will use contractors. Our preference is the local Aboriginal Ranger Crew (when they meet all requirements) who also own the littoral rainforest. This partnership brings together our farmers with the traditional owners. Bega Valley Shire Council, Southern Rivers Catchment Management Authority and national parks will contribute and help us build our ethic of sustainable land management. Our project officer will coordinate and educate all.
Tweed Landcare
Mid Tweed River and Mount Warning connections of HCV vegetation – $249,850
The project is sub-catchment based and addresses landscape connectivity between Mt Warning National Park and Mt Jerusalem/Burringbar range and the riparian corridor along the Tweed River and tributaries. Landholders will be involved alongside bush regenerators to restore high conservation value flora and fauna habitat. The project is to be managed by Tweed Landcare Inc and supported by Uki Residents Association, Terragon Landcare, Northern Rivers Catchment Management Authority, National Parks and Wildlife Service and Tweed Shire Council. The project will expand recovery works on two participating landholder sites and extend to include new landholders who have expressed an interest. The project will provide support and information to landholders and Landcare group to improve knowledge of threatened species management, connectivity and sub-catchment based habitat restoration.
Upper Clarence Combined Landcare Inc.
Restoring vegetation and habitat in buffers to national reserves – $240,400
Health and resilience of 116 hectares of native vegetation with 6.5 kilometres of riparian frontage will be improved, and habitats of rare and endangered flora and fauna protected. Professional bush regeneration on private land will assist buffering of adjoining Gondwana and National Park estate and contribute to landscape connectivity in the Border Ranges biodiversity hot spot. Threats to reserves from invasive weeds and unplanned fire in a connected landscape will be reduced. Training and skills development for landowners and community and the preparation of Fire Management and Maintenance plans will assist maintaining project outcomes.
Wamberal Lagoon Bushcare
Wamberal Lagoon nature reserve restoration – $200,000
Wamberal Lagoon Nature Reserve is 140 hectares and protects a coastal lagoon, threatened fauna and flora and an endangered ecological community. The reserve has 10 vegetation communities which are threatened by weed invasion .This project will build on work undertaken by community volunteers, National Parks and Wildlife Services staff and contractors in the restoration of this important area. The project will combine a number of weed removal techniques such as on ground work, splatter gun and aerial spraying. The reserve has a high visitation rate and provides an excellent environmental educational platform.
Western Landcare NSW Incorporated
Working together to restore the Brewarrina to Bourke River corridor – $250,000
The project will increase the protected area and improve the stream bank connectivity of an endangered ecological community - the Lowland Darling River corridor. It will enhance the engagement of landholders on the Brewarrina to Bourke reach of the Darling River to implement riparian regeneration works. This will be achieved by raising the skills and knowledge of the community; through riparian fence construction to control grazing access; by installing alternative watering points and controlling weeds in the riparian area.
Yarrawarra Aboriginal Cultural Centre
Culture, burning and bush regeneration in Garby Country – $249,999
The Culture, burning and bush regeneration in Garby Country project seeks to bring together key partners including Yarrawarra Aboriginal Cultural Centre, National Parks and Wildlife Services, Crown Lands and the NSW Rural Fire Service to develop and implement an integrated and culturally appropriate program of prescribed burning and bush regeneration at priority coastal lowland and headland sites within the traditional lands of the Garby People of the Gumbaynggirr Nation. The project will empower and build capacity among traditional custodians to participate in bush regeneration, prescribed burn planning, preparation, implementation and post burn regeneration at culturally important sites which contain Aboriginal heritage assets and provide habitat for endangered ecological communities, threatened species and culturally important resources, foods and medicines.