Public exhibition of the proposed plan amendment provides an important opportunity for members of the community to have a say in the future management of Whian Whian State Conservation Area and the parks and reserves of the Tweed Caldera.
Comments closed on 11 March 2019.
What is a plan of management?
Parks and reserves established under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 need to have a plan of management. The plan includes information on important park values and provides directions for future management.
The plan of management is a legal document, and after the plan is adopted all operations and activities in the park must be in line with the plan. From time to time plans of management are amended to support changes to park management.
Why is the plan being amended now?
The current plans of management were approved in 2004 (Tweed Caldera Parks and Reserves) and 2010 (Whian Whian State Conservation Area) and are being amended to enable development of a multi-day walking track network, and supporting visitor facilities, linking Mount Jerusalem National Park with Nightcap National Park and Whian Whian State Conservation Area. This is consistent with the NSW Government's commitment to upgrading iconic walking tracks and parks across New South Wales.
The amendments also acknowledge the declaration of an Aboriginal Place on Wollumbin Mountain in 2014 and the incorporation of Mount Warning National Park in Wollumbin National Park in 2006.
A master plan is also being developed to provide detailed information on the multi-day walking track route and associated visitor facility improvements, including Wollumbin National Park. The masterplan will be publicly exhibited and, when finalised, will guide preparation of required environmental impact, cultural heritage, safety, social, financial and engineering assessments.
When will the amended plan of management be finalised?
At the end of the public exhibition period in March 2019, the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) will comprehensively review all submissions, prepare a submissions report and make any necessary changes to the proposed amendment. The North Coast Regional Advisory Committee and the National Parks and Wildlife Advisory Council will then review the amendment along with the submissions and report, as required by the National Parks and Wildlife Act.
Once their input has been considered and any further changes made to the amendment, NPWS will provide the plan amendment to the Minister for the Environment. The plan of management amendment is finalised when the Minister formally adopts the amendment under the National Parks and Wildlife Act.
Once a plan is amended it is published on the NPWS website and a public notice is advertised in the NSW Government Gazette.