A NSW Government website

Karst Management Advisory Committee

The committee was formed to advise the National Parks and Wildlife Advisory Council on conservation and management of NSW karst environments.

The Karst Management Advisory Committee is constituted under section 29 of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974. 

The function of the committee is to advise the National Parks and Wildlife Advisory Council on the conservation and management of karst environments on lands reserved under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974, including:

  • the development, implementation and review of policies to achieve the objects of the Act
  • protection of karst environments
  • priorities for research and opportunities to secure funding.

The committee also provides advice on sustainable visitor and tourist use, sustainable use of any buildings or structures, and assisting, supporting and promoting government initiatives in relation to karst conservation.

The committee also advises regional advisory committees on plans of management for lands that contain a significant karst environment.

The committee comprises the Secretary of the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (or delegate) and up to 9 members appointed by the Minister, as listed in Schedule 4 of the Act.

Members of the Karst Management Advisory Committee

  • Prof Andy Baker – A person who has qualifications in karst or earth sciences or in a related discipline
  • Dr Tracey Dickson – A person with qualifications and experience in ecotourism or recreational planning
  • Cr Leeanne Hampton – A person nominated by the NSW Aboriginal Land Council
  • Prof Grant Hose – A person who has qualifications in geomorphology, hydrology, water management or a related discipline
  • Ms Rochelle Johnston – A person nominated by the NSW Heritage Office
  • Mr Michael McGrath – Member of a regional advisory committee for a region that contains significant areas of karst
  • Mr Graeme Pattison – A person nominated by the National Parks Association of NSW
  • Dr Jill Rowling – A person nominated by the Australian Speleological Federation Inc
  • Mr Justin Wilkinson – A person nominated by the Nature Conservation Council of NSW