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Revised vegetation integrity benchmarks and plant community types


The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water updated the BAM-Calculator to include revised plant community types in eastern New South Wales on 14 April 2023. Transitional arrangements are in place.

Transitional arrangements for revised plant community types in eastern NSW coastal and tableland bioregions

The BAM-Calculator (BAM-C) has been updated to include the revised plant community type (PCT) classification for the NSW coastal and tablelands bioregions.

BAM-C cases that were in progress before 14 April 2023 may be eligible to apply transitional arrangements.

Proposals that start a BAM-C assessment after 14 April 2023 must apply the revised plant community types and associated data to their assessments.

Transitional arrangements for major projects, biodiversity certifications and biodiversity stewardship sites

Transitional arrangements continue to apply to major projects, biodiversity certification assessments, and the assessment of biodiversity stewardship sites. Proposals that commenced assessments before the revised PCT updates may continue to access legacy plant community types in assessments for 24 months.

To meet the requirements of the transitional arrangements, BAM-C assessments must be finalised before 14 April 2025. The associated Biodiversity Assessment Report (BAR) must be lodged with the decision maker within 14 days of the date the BAM-C assessment is finalised. The Biodiversity Assessment Report must include a finalised credit report and demonstrate compliance with the use of transitional arrangements.

Transitional arrangements for Part 4 local development

Transitional arrangements for Part 4 local development assessments expired on 14 April 2024. Biodiversity Development Assessment Reports lodged with local Part 4 development applications must apply the revised plant community types in eastern New South Wales. Decision-makers should review and advise applicants of the requirements.

Using transitional arrangements

The transitional arrangements are established in the BAM-C and allow assessors with in-progress BAM-C assessments in the coastal and tablelands IBRA bioregions to maintain access to the previous version of the BAM-C data and avoid changes to assessments. The transitional arrangements also allow assessors to opt in and apply the revised plant community types and new data to their assessment if preferred.

Webinars on the proposed transition were delivered in September 2021 and February 2023.

More details are available in the:

The revised plant community types are expected to be easier to use in land use decisions and biodiversity assessments. They provide greater confidence, certainty and transparency for the wide range of applications that use them in day-to-day business functions.

The revised PCT classification for eastern New South Wales is supported by analytical tools and maps, including the:

The revised plant community types were published as part of a broader program of work - the Integrated BioNet Vegetation Data for NSW (IBVD) - that will see all plant community types across New South Wales reviewed and mapped. For more information about the new data and Integrated BioNet Vegetation Data, visit the Integrated BioNet Vegetation Data for NSW webpage.

Integrated BioNet Vegetation data for NSW

Resources and tools to support transition for users

Support tools have been provided to smooth the transition to the Scheme, including a PCT to Offset Trading Group (OTG) tool that shows the legacy plant community types and revised eastern NSW plant community types that are credit retirement options under the like-for-like offset rules. The tool will support landholders and developers in understanding the application of the like-for-like offset rules in the context of legacy and revised PCT biodiversity credits.

To discover which Offset Trading Groups the revised plant community types belong to, you can visit the Plant Community Type to Offset Trading Group lookup tool.

Ecosystem Credits Trading Groups Tool

The PCT Filter Tool in the BioNet Vegetation Classification application cannot be used to identify decommissioned plant community types. The PCT Filter Tool in the BioNet Vegetation Classification application only lists approved plant community types. If you need to identify decommissioned plant community types, including in the eastern NSW coastal and tablelands bioregions under transitional arrangements, use the BioNet Vegetation Classification application View a PCT search or Export Bulk Data functionality or the BioNet power queries.

The BioNet team have developed a quick guide on how to extract lineage transformation data from BioNet for users seeking to understand the changes to plant community types for assessments: Accessing plant community type lineage transformation data from BioNet – Quick guide

For further details on accessing PCT lineage transformation data, BioNet power queries or the PCT search function, please see the BioNet resources page.

Frequently asked questions are available in the Find out more section to support participants navigating the transition.

Benchmarks update from Version 1.1 to Version 1.2 and transitional arrangements

Please note that the transitional arrangements for the Version 1.2 benchmarks update are separate from the transitional arrangements for changes to plant community types in eastern New South Wales (see below).

On 1 February 2023, the BAM-Calculator was updated to include Version 1.2 benchmarks.

The update to Version 1.2 benchmarks was subject to transitional arrangements for 6 months. Transitional arrangements ended on 2 August 2023. BAM-Calculator (BAM-C) assessments must have been finalised before or on this date. The associated Biodiversity Assessment Report must be submitted to the decision maker within 14 days with a finalised BAM credit report.

During the designated transitional period, assessors with assessments that were in progress before 1 February 2023 could opt to manually modify benchmarks and continue to apply (the previous) Version 1.1 benchmarks. Transitional arrangements do not apply to assessments commenced after 1 February 2023. New BAM assessments commenced in the BAM-C after 1 February 2023 must have applied the new Version 1.2 benchmarks and cannot modify benchmarks unless in accordance with BAM Appendix A – use of more appropriate local data.

In summary, to be eligible to apply transitional arrangements to a BAM-C case, the applicant must have:

  • commenced prior to 1 February 2023
  • modified all benchmarks in the entire proposal to Version 1.1 benchmarks
  • finalised the BAM-C assessment prior to 2 August 2023
  • submitted the certified Biodiversity Assessment Report (BAR) prior to 16 August 2023
  • documented the application of Version 1.1 benchmarks in the Biodiversity Assessment Report.

If assessors chose to apply Version 1.1 benchmarks under the transitional arrangements, the Biodiversity Assessment Report must have clearly documented how Version 1.1 benchmarks have been applied to the assessment and include evidence that the application is consistent with the transitional arrangements, including:

  1. screenshots from a BAM-C case that display the modified benchmark values to demonstrate that Version 1.1 benchmarks are applied to every benchmark value in the BAM-C case
  2. a URL link to the Version 1.1 benchmarks data
  3. an extract from the Version 1.1 benchmarks data of the relevant benchmark values for the case (for ease of review)
  4. evidence that the proposal was in-progress on the date the BAM-C update to Version 1.1 benchmarks.

For applications assessed with Version 1.1 benchmarks under the transitional arrangements, decision-makers must ensure that the Biodiversity Assessment Report includes the documentation and evidence required to be eligible.

To support transitional arrangements, Version 1.1 benchmarks were published on the BAM-C public webpage.


The Biodiversity Credit Reports (Like-for Like and Variations) generated by the BAM-C will display where modified benchmarks have been used.

Find out more

For more information about the transitional arrangements for using the revised PCT data and Version 1.2 vegetation integrity benchmarks, see the:

For information about the NSW Integrated BioNet Vegetation Data (IBVD) program, visit the Integrated BioNet Vegetation Data for NSW webpage.

Frequently asked questions