A NSW Government website

Gaultheria viridicarpa, a shrub - endangered species listing

31 May 2019

The NSW Threatened Species Scientific Committee, established under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 (the Act), has made a Final Determination to list the shrub Gaultheria viridicarpa J.B.Williams as an ENDANGERED SPECIES in Part 2 of Schedule 1 of the Act and, as a consequence, to omit reference to Gaultheria viridicarpa J.B. Williams ms subsp. viridicarpa and Gaultheria viridicarpa subsp. merinoensis J.B. Williams ms from Part 3 of Schedule 1 (Vulnerable species) of the Act. Listing of Endangered species is provided for by Part 4 of the Act.

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Threatened Species Scientific Committee

Email: scientific.committee@environment.nsw.gov.au