A NSW Government website

Eucalyptus castrensis (a tree) - endangered species listing

17 Dec 2004

The Scientific Committee, established by the Threatened Species Conservation Act, has made a Final Determination to list the mallee Eucalyptus castrensis K. D. Hill as a ENDANGERED SPECIES in Part 1 of Schedule 1 of the Act. Listing of endangered species is provided for by Part 2 of the Act.

NSW Scientific Committee - final determination

The Scientific Committee has found that:

1. Eucalyptus castrensis K. D. Hill (family Myrtaceae) is described by Hill and Stanberg (2002) as: a mallee to 8m tall. Bark smooth, bronze-grey, shedding in ribbons, with thin dark grey box bark on lower parts of largest stems. Juvenile leaves blue-green, dull, disjunct-opposite, ovate to lanceolate, 60-115mm long, 15-40mm wide; petioles 2-12mm long. Adult leaves glossy green, disjunct-opposite, similifacial, lanceolate, acute or apiculate, 60-130mm long, 8-22mm wide; petioles 4-15mm long. Inflorescences axillary and single; umbellasters 7-flowered. Peduncles terete, 7-10mm long. Pedicels terete, 1-5mm long. Mature buds ovoid, 5-6mm long, 2-4mm diam. Calyptra conical, acute, apically rounded, medially constricted and broadly beaked, up to three quarters as long as the hypanthium. Outer calyptra persistent to anthesis. Stamens all fertile, filaments irregularly arranged in bud. Anthers adnate, basifixed, cuboid to globoid, opening by lateral pores. Fruits cup-shaped, 4-locular, 4-5mm long, 4-6mm diam. Calyptra scar and stemonophore flat, 0.2mm wide. Disc steeply depressed, 1-1.5mm wide. Valves broadly triangular, obtuse, deeply enclosed, strongly raised and appressed against disc.

2. Eucalyptus castrensis is known only from the Singleton Training Area near Broken Back repeater station, despite considerable survey effort over the past 10 years in the Broken Back - Singleton - Broke districts involving detailed sampling of more than 190 plots (T Peake pers. comm.; Bell  et al. 1993; Binns 1996; Orchid Research 2003; Thomas 1998).

3. Eucalyptus castrensis is locally dominant but restricted, occurring as a dense mallee stand over about ten hectares with a number of smaller outlying stands over a 2.5 km range, on a low broad ridgetop on loam over sandstone (Hunter 2004). The understorey is of grasses and scattered shrubs, with bare ground and litter.  Eucalyptus fibrosa and  Corymbia maculata grow adjacent but not within the mallee stand (Hill and Stanberg 2002).

4. Eucalyptus castrensis has not been recorded from any conservation reserve.

5. Eucalyptus castrensis is potentially at risk from unauthorised activity on military land, potential change in land tenure, frequent fires and is threatened by demographic and environmental stochasticity due to its localised extent.

6. In view of the above the Scientific Committee is of the opinion that Eucalyptus castrensis K. D. Hill is likely to become extinct in nature in New South Wales unless the circumstances and factors threatening its survival or evolutionary development cease to operate.

Associate Professor Paul Adam
Scientific Committee

Proposed Gazettal date: 17/12/04
Exhibition period: 17/12/04 - 28/01/05


Bell S, Vollmer J, Gellie N (1993) 'Yengo National Park and Parr State Recreation Area. Vegetation Survey for Use in F.' Report prepared for NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service. Unpublished.

Binns D (1996) 'Flora Survey, Morisset Forestry District, Central Region, New South Wales.' State Forests of New South Wales, Pennant Hills.

Hill KD, Stanberg LC (2002) Eucalyptus castrensis, (Myrtaceae) a new species from New South Wales.  Telopea 9, 773-776.

Hunter JT (2004) 'Singleton Training Area Rare & Threatened Flora Assessment'. Report to the Department of Defence.

Orchid Research (2003) 'Wambo Development Project Flora Assessment.' Prepared for Resource Strategies.

Thomas D (1998) 'Vegetation Communities of the Singleton Military Area.' Unpublished report to the Department of Defence.

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