Building and infrastructure works on lands reserved or acquired under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 (NPW Act) must comply with the Building Code of Australia, Disability (Access To Premises – Buildings) Standards 2010, and other relevant Australian standards.
Our Construction Assessment Procedures (PDF 247KB) provide standard requirements for:
- new building or infrastructure work
- alterations and additions
- a change of building use
- demolition.
These requirements apply to all proposals on land reserved or acquired under the NPW Act.
Many works will need to be certified to ensure they meet the standards. The following 3 templates are to be used for this purpose:
- Risk Assessment (DOC 361KB) – used to help decide if the project needs certification
- New Works Application and Certificate (Form 1) (DOC 426KB) – to be submitted before works begin
- Completed Works Application and Certificate (Form 2) (DOC 411KB) – to be submitted when works finish.
These procedures are designed to ensure that the works and the final structure are safe and comply with the Building Code of Australia and relevant Australian standards.
The procedures also identify works that do not require certification.