A NSW Government website

Aboriginal sites decision support tool

This tool extends the Aboriginal Heritage Information Management System (AHIMS) by illustrating the potential distribution of site features recorded in AHIMS.


Aboriginal site features occur across the entire landscape; however, some parts of the landscape have a greater capacity to contain certain site features or features of different types. The variation in site feature likelihood across the landscape is useful for planning assessments of potential site impacts.

The ASDST has been developed to support the assessment Aboriginal sites issues in NSW at the landscape-scale. The tool extends the Aboriginal Heritage Information Management System (AHIMS) by illustrating the potential distribution of site features recorded in the database.

Site predictive models

The maps of site feature predictions made by the Aboriginal Sites Decision Support Tool (ASDST) are based on the application of site predictive modelling. This is a technique used to correlate site information in AHIMS with landscape patterns such as proximity to water, vegetation, terrain, soils and so on.

The maps provide a regional overview about site feature distribution and related issues about the level of accumulated impacts they have experienced, where data gaps in the AHIMS data base remain, and where these gaps can be addressed through further survey.

To download the ASDST models, go to the SEED website and use the term 'ASDST' in search criteria.

How can they be used?

The mapping tool provides interactive access to the maps generated by the ASDST and can be used as a way of visualising site feature potential and related issues across the whole landscape.

The ASDST Product Outline Technical Summary (PDF 5MB) is a document describing the appropriate interpretation of the ASDST products, their application in regional-scale projects and a technical explanation of how they were derived. Users are encouraged to read this document in order to interpret the ASDST products appropriately and understand how they were derived.


The products have been developed to meet the needs of regional planning. For this reason, they are designed to be used at scales of 1:100,000 and above. Application at finer scales is possible, but it should be borne in mind that the datasets used to derive the products were themselves derived at a scale of 1:100,000 or coarser, and therefore the inaccuracies of those layers at finer scales will be carried through to the ASDST products.

It is intended that all products will develop over time. They will be periodically reviewed as new data becomes available, parameters are assessed, models are progressively better validated and modelling approaches are refined. For this reason, all products have a version number attached and, for any analysis, mapping or reporting that is performed from the layers, the version that was used should be specified. The current version of all products is version 7.

Contact us

For further information and support in interpreting the ASDST products, email asdst@environment.nsw.gov.au.


DCCEEW takes no responsibility for decisions informed by the ASDST products. The ASDST maps are provided in good faith, are based on international best-practice in site predictive modelling and were developed exercising all due care and attention.