Mummel Gulf National Park and State Conservation Area Plan of Management
Mummel Gulf National Park contains extensive areas of old growth forest and is large enough to support space dependant top order predators such as the spotted-tailed quoll and a number of species of owl. The park also supports key populations of the parma wallaby and common wombat. It contains two plant, and seventeen animal species listed as vulnerable under the Biodiversity Conservation Act. A significant area, approximately 10,700 hectares or 76 percent of the park, has been declared wilderness under the Wilderness Act.
Mummel Gulf State Conservation Area protects large areas of rainforest in pristine condition and provides habitat for several plant species of conservation significance.
This plan of management was originally adopted by the Minister for the Environment on 2 October 2012. It was amended in accordance with the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 on 10 February 2014 and on 13 February 2019. The first amendments incorporated into this plan were to enable a trial of horse riding on two identified routes through wilderness in Mummel Gulf National Park for a period of 2 years. Following assessment of the trial results, amendments were made to the plan to enable horse riding to continue in these specific wilderness locations. These amendments are incorporated into this plan.
First published in October 2012; reprinted February 2014, February 2019 and June 2020 with amendments.