Biodiversity certification Understanding biodiversity certification In this section keyboard_arrow_down Topics Heritage keyboard_arrow_down Expand Heritage menu About heritage Request a heritage listing Manage heritage items Search heritage databases Apply for heritage approvals and permits Heritage grants Celebrate heritage Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee Heritage Council of NSW Animals and plants keyboard_arrow_down Expand Animals and plants menu Biodiversity conservation framework keyboard_arrow_down Expand Biodiversity conservation framework menu Biodiversity Conservation Investment Strategy About the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 Land management Native Vegetation Regulatory map Assessment Bilateral Agreement Areas of Outstanding Biodiversity Value Biodiversity Conservation Advisory Panel Biodiversity Indicator Program NSW BioNet About biodiversity Bioregions Biodiversity conservation policies and guidelines Biodiversity Offsets Scheme keyboard_arrow_down Expand Biodiversity Offsets Scheme menu About the Biodiversity Offsets Scheme keyboard_arrow_down Expand About the Biodiversity Offsets Scheme menu Biodiversity Offsets Scheme overview and achievements How the Biodiversity Offsets Scheme works keyboard_arrow_down Expand How the Biodiversity Offsets Scheme works menu Biodiversity credits Biodiversity Stewardship Agreements Biodiversity offsetting The Biodiversity Assessment Method keyboard_arrow_down Expand The Biodiversity Assessment Method menu Applying the Biodiversity Assessment Method keyboard_arrow_down Expand Applying the Biodiversity Assessment Method menu Types of Biodiversity Assessment Reports NSW Government administration of the scheme About the Biodiversity Credits Supply Fund keyboard_arrow_down Expand About the Biodiversity Credits Supply Fund menu Supply Fund and Credit purchasing Current biodiversity credit demand Biodiversity credits catalogue keyboard_arrow_down Expand Biodiversity credits catalogue menu Advertise in the Biodiversity Credits Catalogue Credit Demand Expression of Interest Planning, Offsets and Threatened Species and Ecosystems BioBanking: the previous scheme keyboard_arrow_down Expand BioBanking: the previous scheme menu BioBanking Agreements and credits Assessment of reasonable credit equivalence keyboard_arrow_down Expand Assessment of reasonable credit equivalence menu Apply for an equivalence assessment for existing BioBanking credits Apply for an equivalence assessment for BioBanking credit obligations BioBanking transitional arrangements keyboard_arrow_down Expand BioBanking transitional arrangements menu Clause 34A certification Generate credits with a biodiversity stewardship agreement keyboard_arrow_down Expand Generate credits with a biodiversity stewardship agreement menu Generate and sell biodiversity credits keyboard_arrow_down Expand Generate and sell biodiversity credits menu Apply for a Biodiversity Stewardship Agreement keyboard_arrow_down Expand Apply for a Biodiversity Stewardship Agreement menu Stewardship Support Program Biodiversity stewardship agreements map Total Fund Deposit and discount rate keyboard_arrow_down Expand Total Fund Deposit and discount rate menu Framework for reviewing the Total Fund Deposit discount rate Case studies and landholder stories keyboard_arrow_down Expand Case studies and landholder stories menu Case study Heatherbrae Case study: Office of Strategic lands Case study: Picton and Winmalee Landholder story: A sustainable choice for the environment and the family Landholder story: Making environmental protection part of the business Landholder story: farmers preserving land for future generations Landholder story: former forestry property now a haven for wildlife Landholder story: income and environmental benefits Clear and develop land keyboard_arrow_down Expand Clear and develop land menu When the Biodiversity Offsets Scheme applies The Biodiversity Values Map and Threshold Tool keyboard_arrow_down Expand The Biodiversity Values Map and Threshold Tool menu Land types and biodiversity values included in the Biodiversity Values Map How to use the Biodiversity Values Map for your development or clearing application Access map spatial data through the SEED portal Updates to the Biodiversity Values Map Biodiversity Values category reports and map review keyboard_arrow_down Expand Biodiversity Values category reports and map review menu Your Map enquiry Local government uses of the Biodiversity Values Map Relationship between Biodiversity Values Map and Native Vegetation Regulatory map Biodiversity assessments and calculation of the scheme entry requirements Serious and irreversible impacts keyboard_arrow_down Expand Serious and irreversible impacts menu Threatened Ecological Communities at risk of Serious and Irreversible Impacts nomination form Threatened Species (and endangered populations) at risk of Serious and Irreversible Impacts nomination form Credit obligations keyboard_arrow_down Expand Credit obligations menu Determine and meet credit obligations Find biodiversity credits Biodiversity Conservation Fund charge system Offset rules keyboard_arrow_down Expand Offset rules menu Offset rules for proponents Like-for-like offset rules Offset rules for biodiversity certification Offset rules for the Biodiversity Conservation Trust Offset variation rules and limitations Ancillary rules Ecosystem credits trading groups keyboard_arrow_down Expand Ecosystem credits trading groups menu Ecosystem Credits Trading Groups Tool Minimise biodiversity impacts and offset costs keyboard_arrow_down Expand Minimise biodiversity impacts and offset costs menu Confirm that the Biodiversity Offset Scheme applies to your project Get a desktop estimate of your likely offset obligations Avoid, minimise and meet your offset obligations Find an accredited assessor Biodiversity Offset Scheme brokers Biodiversity development assessment report waiver Modification applications and the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 Biodiversity credits market keyboard_arrow_down Expand Biodiversity credits market menu Understanding the biodiversity credits market Summary tables of biodiversity credit market information Biodiversity Credits Demand and Supply Dashboard keyboard_arrow_down Expand Biodiversity Credits Demand and Supply Dashboard menu Biodiversity Credits Demand and Supply Dashboard – Frequently asked questions Biodiversity Credits Demand and Supply Dashboard – Excluded major projects Find credit buyers and sellers keyboard_arrow_down Expand Find credit buyers and sellers menu Credit Supply Register Estimating biodiversity credit prices keyboard_arrow_down Expand Estimating biodiversity credit prices menu Biodiversity Credits Market Sales Dashboard keyboard_arrow_down Expand Biodiversity Credits Market Sales Dashboard menu Data represented in dashboard Setting search criteria in dashboard Sales Dashboard definitions How the Sales Dashboard can support developers How the Sales Dashboard can support landholders Credit Transactions Register Credit supply and demand information keyboard_arrow_down Expand Credit supply and demand information menu Credit supply and demand resources Credit Demand Register Indicative future demand for ecosystem credits Transfer or retire biodiversity credits keyboard_arrow_down Expand Transfer or retire biodiversity credits menu How to transfer biodiversity credits How to retire biodiversity credits How to transfer or retire BioBanking credits How to use a statement of reasonable equivalence BioBanking Public Registers Guideline for managing and disclosing unpublished information that may impact on biodiversity credit prices BioBanking credits and obligations keyboard_arrow_down Expand BioBanking credits and obligations menu BioBanking credits sales dashboard Maps, systems and resources keyboard_arrow_down Expand Maps, systems and resources menu Biodiversity Offsets Scheme maps Guides, tools and databases Native Vegetation Regulatory map land categorisation and the Biodiversity Offsets Scheme Scheme fees Scheme forms Biodiversity Offsets and Agreement Management System Biodiversity Offsets Scheme public registers Credits Near Me NSW app keyboard_arrow_down Expand Credits Near Me NSW app menu Credits Near Me NSW app form News and updates keyboard_arrow_down Expand News and updates menu Biodiversity Offsets Scheme reforms Latest scheme updates Previous BOS updates Help and support keyboard_arrow_down Expand Help and support menu Biodiversity Offsets Scheme Help Desk and support Scheme contacts Biodiversity Offsets Scheme glossary Biodiversity Offsets Scheme webinar series Biodiversity Offsets Scheme videos For accredited assessors keyboard_arrow_down Expand For accredited assessors menu The role of accredited assessors Biodiversity experts Applying for accredited assessor accreditation keyboard_arrow_down Expand Applying for accredited assessor accreditation menu Renew your assessor accreditation Continuing professional development Accredited assessor quality assurance keyboard_arrow_down Expand Accredited assessor quality assurance menu Fit and proper person declaration Code of conduct Conflicts of interest Complaints and feedback management Accredited assessor compliance audit Biodiversity Assessment Method tools and resources Biodiversity Assessment Method Calculator release notes Revised vegetation integrity benchmarks and plant community types For local government and decision makers keyboard_arrow_down Expand For local government and decision makers menu The role of local government and decision makers keyboard_arrow_down Expand The role of local government and decision makers menu Unlawful clearing and Biodiversity Development Assessment Reports Lodge an offset obligation keyboard_arrow_down Expand Lodge an offset obligation menu Concurrence requirements for a reduced credit obligation for local development Local government training and resources keyboard_arrow_down Expand Local government training and resources menu NSW Local Government Biodiversity Offsets Scheme entry navigator Unsafe Plants in Non-rural Areas Code of Practice Biodiversity certification keyboard_arrow_down Expand Biodiversity certification menu Understanding biodiversity certification Biodiversity certification process Strategic biodiversity certification keyboard_arrow_down Expand Strategic biodiversity certification menu Biodiversity certification proposals declared strategic Biodiversity certification orders keyboard_arrow_down Expand Biodiversity certification orders menu Register of biodiversity certification orders Biodiversity certification consultations Biodiversity certification forms and resources Conservation programs Surveys, monitoring and records Native animals keyboard_arrow_down Expand Native animals menu Protected species Native animal facts Living with native animals Helping wildlife in emergencies Sick or injured animals Approaching marine mammals in NSW Rehabilitating native animals Threatened species keyboard_arrow_down Expand Threatened species menu Koala news About threatened species Saving our Species program Programs, legislation and framework NSW Threatened Species Scientific Committee Help save our threatened species Wildlife management Native vegetation keyboard_arrow_down Expand Native vegetation menu About native vegetation Native Vegetation Regulatory map Compliance and enforcement Historic native vegetation legislation Land clearing approvals Landcover science Vegetation Condition Benchmarks Scattered trees and biodiversity NSW Koala Country keyboard_arrow_down Expand NSW Koala Country menu NSW Koala Strategy keyboard_arrow_down Expand NSW Koala Strategy menu Koala habitat conservation Supporting local communities to conserve koalas Improving the safety and health of koalas Building our knowledge of koalas How to get involved Governance Framework Regional partnerships Koalas and Aboriginal culture Help koalas Resources Pest animals and weeds Parks, reserves and protected areas keyboard_arrow_down Expand Parks, reserves and protected areas menu Visit a national park NPWS Conservation Types of protected areas keyboard_arrow_down Expand Types of protected areas menu World Heritage-listed properties National heritage-listed areas Green list of protected and conserved areas Ramsar wetlands Reviews of state conservation areas Wild rivers Wilderness Establishing new parks and protected areas keyboard_arrow_down Expand Establishing new parks and protected areas menu NSW National Parks Establishment Plan Acquiring land for new parks Deciding on land for new parks Community involvement in establishing new parks Offer or propose land for the national parks system New parks and changes to parks Park management keyboard_arrow_down Expand Park management menu Aboriginal joint management of parks Community and stakeholder engagement keyboard_arrow_down Expand Community and stakeholder engagement menu Aboriginal joint management model consultation Arakoon National Park and Hat Head National Park plan Barunguba Montague Island Nature Reserve draft plan Ben Boyd National Park renaming Blue Mountains National Park Brimbin Nature Reserve Brindingabba National Park Currys Gap State Conservation Area Draft Marine Park Management Plan Glenrock State Conservation Area Illawarra Escarpment Mountain Bike Project Proposed radio facility at Green Cape Jindalee National Park draft plan of management Kalyarr National Park draft plan of management Kamay 2020 Killalea Regional Park Proposed radio facility at Koonyum Range Kosciuszko National Park Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park Mimosa Rocks National Park Murray Valley National Park Walking tracks and trails in national parks Notices under the Native Title Act Plumwood proposed radio facility Royal National Park Sandon River and Woody Head campgrounds Sydney Harbour National Park Toorale Water Infrastructure Project Review of Environmental Factors Turrella Reserve draft precinct plan Wollumbin National Park NPWS Park activities NPWS Park management Quarantine Station Park policies keyboard_arrow_down Expand Park policies menu Search park policies Accessible parks Beekeeping Boundary fencing Carbon positive by 2028 keyboard_arrow_down Expand Carbon positive by 2028 menu Progress towards carbon positive Caves access Commercial fishing access Commercial tour operator Cultural fire management Cycling Dance parties Drones in parks keyboard_arrow_down Expand Drones in parks menu Using drones in national parks Events, functions and venues Filming and photography Firewood Fossicking Generator use Geocaching Hang gliding and paragliding in parks Homeless people Horse riding Landslides and rockfalls Managing parks prior to a plan of management Memorials in parks Military training activities Neighbour relations No smoking in parks Orienteering and rogaining Park names People and wildlife Pets in parks Property access keyboard_arrow_down Expand Property access menu Access to property through a national park inquiry form Revocation, recategorisation and road adjustment Shooting ranges Taskforce for Climate-related Financial Disclosures statements Traffic monitoring camera privacy statement Tree risk management Vehicle access Visitor accommodation Visitor safety Walking tracks Wild dogs Wilderness Commercial activities in parks keyboard_arrow_down Expand Commercial activities in parks menu Commercial fishing vehicle access permit application Aboriginal tourism development Events in NSW national parks Apply to film and take photographs in national parks Parks Eco Pass program for commercial tour operators Premises and visitor experiences open for tender in national parks Development guidelines keyboard_arrow_down Expand Development guidelines menu Construction assessment procedures Sustainability assessments Current park closures, fire and safety alerts Air keyboard_arrow_down Expand Air menu NSW Clean Air Strategy About the air program Current air quality keyboard_arrow_down Expand Current air quality menu Air quality concentration data keyboard_arrow_down Expand Air quality concentration data menu Daily air quality data Subscribe to updates Sydney forecast keyboard_arrow_down Expand Sydney forecast menu Search monitoring stations Air quality data services Air pollution episodes Air quality monitoring network Understanding air quality data Air quality basics Research NSW air quality statements Publications Water keyboard_arrow_down Expand Water menu Beaches Coasts Estuaries Floodplains Water for the environment keyboard_arrow_down Expand Water for the environment menu About water for the environment Working with Aboriginal peoples Catchments Planning and reporting We love our rivers News Publications Water quality Wetlands Fire keyboard_arrow_down Expand Fire menu Fire facts Managing fire Fire management strategies Fire safety in parks How fire affects plants and animals Park recovery and rehabilitation after fire Fire research Land and soil keyboard_arrow_down Expand Land and soil menu Managing land and soil News Publications Soil degradation Land and soil information Geodiversity Natural capital Energy Sustainability keyboard_arrow_down Expand Sustainability menu Sustainability Advantage In this section Understanding biodiversity certification Local government, planning authorities and individuals can apply for biodiversity certification to support strategic and landscape scale planning.east Biodiversity certification process Learn how to apply for biodiversity certification and see the 6 main steps in the biodiversity certification process.east Strategic biodiversity certification Understand where strategic biodiversity certification is available and how it is determined.east Biodiversity certification orders Biodiversity certification orders identify the land, conservation measures and parties involved in biodiversity certification conferred by the Minister for the Environment.east Biodiversity certification forms and resources Find our biodiversity certification application forms, fees, and resources, for landholders, councils, developers and conveyancers.east Updated February 14, 2024