14 March 2025 (version 18) | The following changes were made: - changes arising from landholder-initiated map reviews
- revision of mapping for one serious and irreversible impacts (SAII) threatened ecological community (TEC), Tableland Basalt Forest in the Sydney Basin Bioregion
- new mapping for 2 serious and irreversible impacts threatened ecological communities
- Mount Gibraltar Forest in the Sydney Basin Bioregion
- Illawarra Lowlands Grassy Woodland
- refinement of old growth and rainforest mapping arising from Local Land Services approved reviews
- update of data used for removal of developed land within the Port Stephens local government area
- update to the erase of biocertified land for 2 new conferrals and expiry of once conferral
- Brimbin Biocertification modification
- Ginninderry Biocertification
- Expiry of the Wagga Wagga LEP 2010 Biocertification
- update of data used for removal of Category 1 – Exempt Land
- update to the currency of data for accuracy improvement erase layers for developed land
- colour changes associated with 90-day expiry (dark purple to light purple)
13 September 2024 (version 17) | The following changes were made: - changes arising from landholder-initiated map reviews
- update of serious and irreversible impacts (SAII) threatened ecological community (TEC) mapping in the Cumberland Plain Conservation Plan area
- revision of mapping for one serious and irreversible impacts species – swift parrot
- new mapping for 2 serious and irreversible impacts threatened ecological communities (TECs)
- Western Sydney Dry Rainforest
- Taren Point Shorebird Community
- refinement of old growth and rainforest mapping arising from Local Land Services approved reviews
- update of data used for removal of developed land
- removal new of biocertified land
- update of data used for removal of Category 1 – Exempt Land
- colour changes associated with 90-day expiry (dark purple to light purple)
27 September 2023 (version 16) | The following changes were made: - changes arising from landholder-initiated map reviews
- addition of revised mapping for 3 species
- North Rothbury persoonia (Persoonia pauciflora)
- swift parrot
- regent honeyeater
- addition of new mapping for 2 threatened species
- spiny gardenia (Randia moorei)
- native jute (Corchorus cunninghamii)
- addition of new mapping for 10 threatened ecological communities in the Coffs Harbour local government area
- Coastal Saltmarsh in the NSW North Coast, Sydney Basin and South East Corner bioregions
- Freshwater wetlands on coastal floodplains of the NSW North Coast, Sydney Basin and South East Corner bioregions
- Littoral Rainforest in the NSW North Coast, Sydney Basin and South East Corner bioregions
- Lowland Rainforest in the NSW North Coast and Sydney Basin bioregions
- Lowland rainforest on floodplain in the NSW North Coast bioregion
- Subtropical coastal floodplain forest of the NSW North Coast bioregion
- Swamp oak floodplain forest of the NSW North Coast, Sydney Basin and South East Corner bioregions
- Swamp Sclerophyll Forest on Coastal Floodplains of the NSW North Coast, Sydney Basin and South East Corner bioregions
- Themeda grassland on seacliffs and coastal headlands in the NSW North Coast, Sydney Basin and South East Corner bioregions
- White Gum Moist Forest in the NSW North Coast bioregion
- refinement of old growth and rainforest mapping
- removal of new developed land
- removal of new biocertified land
- removal of Category 1 – Exempt Land
- colour changes associated with 90-day expiry (dark purple to light purple)
16 May 2023 (Version 15) | Updates were made to the Biodiversity Values Map and Threshold Tool (BMAT) report. Changes include: - functionality to calculate if the area threshold has been exceeded
- information on how to determine a Biodiversity Development Assessment Report (BDAR) is required under the Biodiversity Conservation Regulation 2017 (NSW)
- information on results for the proposed development footprint area the user identifies
- a new map method document and a guide to review the Biodiversity Values Map and Threshold Tool area clearing threshold results are available to assist landholders, development proponents and local government
29 March 2023 (Version 15) | - changes arising from landholder-initiated map reviews
- addition of revised mapping for one species:
- Grevillea caleyi
- addition of revised mapping for one threatened ecological community
- Robertson Basalt Tall Open Forest in the Sydney Basin and South Eastern Highlands bioregions critically endangered ecological community (CEEC)
- addition of new mapping for 4 threatened ecological communities
- Robertson Rainforest in the Sydney Basin bioregion (EEC)
- Southern Highlands Shale Woodlands in the Sydney Basin bioregion endangered ecological community (EEC)
- Melaleuca armillaris Tall Shrubland in the Sydney Basin bioregion endangered ecological community (CEEC)
- Tableland Basalt Forest in the Sydney Basin and South-eastern Highlands bioregions endangered ecological community (EEC)
- refinement of old growth and rainforest mapping
- addition of one new Ramsar Wetland
- Caryapundy Swamp
- removal of developed land
- removal of biocertified land under the Cumberland Plains Conservation Plan
- removal of Category 1 – Exempt Land
- colour changes associated with 90-day expiry (dark purple to light purple)
26 September 2022 (Version 14) | - changes arising from landholder-initiated map reviews
- addition of revised mapping for 3 species:
- Genoplesium insigne
- Thelymitra adorata
- regent honeyeater
- addition of new mapping for 5 species:
- Asterolasia buxifolia
- Astrotricha sp. Wallagaraugh
- Corunastylis sp. Charmhaven
- Genoplesium baueri
- Kardomia prominens
- refinement of old growth and rainforest mapping
- removal of developed land
- removal of Category 1 – Exempt Land
- colour changes associated with 90-day expiry (dark purple to light purple)
28 March 2022 (Version 13) | - changes arising from landholder-initiated map reviews
- addition of revised mapping for 4 species:
- Diuris flavescens
- Genoplesium littorale
- Genoplesium plumosum
- swift parrot
- addition of new mapping for one species:
- Blue Mountains water skink
- refinement of old growth and rainforest mapping
- removal of developed land
- removal of Category 1 – Exempt Land
- colour changes associated with 90-day expiry (dark purple to light purple)
- enhancement to the Biodiversity Values Map and Threshold Tool to increase zoom from 1:2250 to 1:282
27 September 2021 (Version 12) | - changes arising from landholder-initiated map reviews
- addition of revised mapping for 2 species:
- Prasophyllum bagoense
- Pomaderris delicata
- Pomaderris reperta
- plains wanderer
- Callistemon purpurascens
- Callistemon megalongensis
- addition of new mapping for 5 species –
- Prasophyllum keltonii
- Jalmenus eubulus
- Calidris ferruginea
- yellow spotted tree frog
- thick-billed grasswren
- addition of core koala habitat identified in the Byron Koala Plan of Management and the Tweed Koala Plan of Management
- refinement of old growth and rainforest mapping
- removal of developed land
- removal of Category 1 – Exempt Land
- colour changes associated with 90-day expiry (dark purple to light purple)
27 November 2020 (Version 11) | - changes arising from landholder-initiated map reviews
- addition of revised mapping for 7 species:
- Eucalyptus sp. cattai
- Myriophyllum implicatum
- Gentiana wingecarribiensis
- swift parrot
- Pterostylis ventricosa
- Prasophyllum sp. Moama
- Pterostylis despectans
- addition of new mapping for 3 species:
- Zieria obcordata
- Bellinger River snapping turtle
- Thelymitra kangaloonica
- addition of revised mapping for 11 threatened ecological communities:
- Agnes Banks Woodland in the Sydney Basin bioregion critically endangered ecological communities
- Blue Gum High Forest in the Sydney Basin bioregion critically endangered ecological communities
- Cumberland Plain Woodland in the Sydney Basin bioregion critically endangered ecological communities
- Elderslie Banksia Scrub Forest in the Sydney Basin bioregion critically endangered ecological communities
- Shale Sandstone Transition Forest in the Sydney Basin bioregion critically endangered ecological communities
- Sun Valley Cabbage Gum Forest in the Sydney Basin bioregion critically endangered ecological communities
- Sydney Turpentine Ironbark Forest in the Sydney Basin bioregion critically endangered ecological communities
- Eastern Suburbs Banksia Scrub in the Sydney Basin bioregion endangered ecological communities
- Blue Mountains Basalt Forest in the Sydney Basin bioregion endangered ecological communities
- Cooks River/Castlereagh Ironbark Forest in the Sydney Basin bioregion endangered ecological communities
- Duffys Forest Ecological Community in the Sydney Basin bioregion endangered ecological communities
- addition of new mapping for 3 threatened ecological communities:
- Hygrocybeae Community of Lane Cove Bushland Park in the Sydney Basin bioregion critically endangered ecological communities
- Maroota Sands Swamp Forest endangered ecological communities
- Pittwater and Wagstaffe Spotted Gum Forest in the Sydney Basin bioregion endangered ecological communities
- addition of core koala habitat identified in the Campbelltown Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management
- addition of core koala habitat identified in 3 Individual koala plans of management for land in the Port Macquarie Hastings local government area
- refinement of old growth and rainforest mapping
- removal of developed land
- colour changes associated with 90-day expiry (dark purple to light purple)
27 May 2020 (Version 10) | - addition of revised mapping for the regent honeyeater
- addition of mapping for Calotis moorei
- changes resulting from landholder-initiated map reviews
- refinement of old growth and rainforest mapping
- removal of buildings and recently developed subdivisions
- colour changes associated with 90-day expiry (dark purple to light purple)
- enhancement to the Biodiversity Values Map and Threshold Tool to increase zoom from 1:4500 to 1:2000
26 February 2020 (Version 9) | - update to core koala habitat mapping
- changes resulting from landholder-initiated map reviews
- changes to serious and irreversible impacts entity mapping due to the update of Native Vegetation Regulatory Map Category 1 – Exempt Land.
- refinement of old growth and rainforest mapping
- changes to Genoplesium insigne mapping
- removal of biocertified land in Mount Gilead Stage 1
- colour changes associated with 90-day expiry (dark purple to light purple)
27 November 2019 (Version 8) | - changes resulting from landholder-initiated map reviews
- refinement of old growth and rainforest mapping
- colour changes associated with 90-day expiry (dark purple to light purple)
28 August 2019 (Version 7) | - updates to mapping of critically endangered orchid Pterostylis vernalis resulting from revised map method
- changes resulting from landholder-initiated map reviews
- refinement of old growth and rainforest mapping
- colour changes associated with 90-day expiry (dark purple to light purple)
29 May 2019 (Version 6) | - updates to mapping of critically endangered orchid Pterostylis ventricosa resulting from revised map method
- changes resulting from landholder-initiated map reviews
- removal of small areas of mapped land on the Biodiversity Values Map due to incorporation of updates to Category 1 – Exempt Land on the Native Vegetation Regulatory Map
- removal of Port Macquarie Airport lands following biocertification
- refinement of old growth and rainforest mapping
- refinement of protected riparian land
- colour changes associated with 90-day expiry (dark purple to light purple)
27 February 2019 (Version 5) | - changes arising from the amended Coastal Management SEPP coastal wetlands and littoral rainforests mapping, which commenced on 17 December 2018
- corrections to the Lismore comprehensive koala management plan – core koala habitat
- changes resulting from landholder-initiated map reviews
- enhancements to the Biodiversity Values Map and Threshold Tool
- enable users to determine types of biodiversity values at a location
- include on the Tool Report the date when 90 days expires for areas added in the most recent version of the map
14 December 2018 (Version 4) | Changes resulting from landholder-initiated map reviews |
9 November 2018 (Version 3) | - Addition of core areas of the Coastal Management State Environment Planning Policy (SEPP) replacing the former SEPP 14 – Coastal Wetlands and SEPP 26 – Littoral Rainforest
- Removal of bio certified areas not applicable to the biodiversity offset scheme
- Addition of revised Port Stephens and Kempsey comprehensive koala plans of management – core koala habitat
- Removal of protected riparian land on urban zoned land
- Changes resulting from landholder initiated map reviews
- Refinement of threatened species and communities’ habitat mapping in the Alpine Resorts SEPP area
- Adjusted map colours identifying areas added to the Biodiversity Values Map in the last 90 days
- Removal of habitat mapping for the five-clawed worm skink
- Refinement of mapping displayed on the Biodiversity Values Map
13 December 2017 (Version 2) | Addition of mapping for: - the little penguin declared area of outstanding biodiversity value at Manly (referred to as critical habitat under the former Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 (NSW)
- One threatened ecological community and 4 threatened species on land covered by the State Environmental Planning Policy (Kosciuszko National Park–Alpine Resorts) 2007
25 August 2017 (Version 1) | Release of the original statewide map |