A NSW Government website

Access map spatial data through the SEED portal


There are 2 options for accessing Biodiversity Values Map spatial data through the Sharing and Enabling Environmental Data (SEED) Portal:

  1. Web mapping service: For users with compatible GIS, we provide a web service where you can access the current version of the Biodiversity Values Map.
  2. Download package: If using the web mapping service isn't feasible, a data package is also available from SEED. The format of the data in the package is an ESRI file geodatabase. While in some instances it may be preferable to use the geodatabase, users must be aware that the Biodiversity Values Map is updated regularly and the currency of the data (and data itself) is only valid for the day of download.

SEED Biodiversity Values Map

Biodiversity Values Map on the NSW Planning Portal Spatial Viewer

The NSW Planning Portal Spatial Viewer (ePlanning spatial viewer) is part of the NSW Planning Portal. It provides access to data and information affecting how land can be developed and used including:

  • access to spatial data associated with environmental planning instruments
  • other NSW Government websites.

The ePlanning spatial viewer enables users to search for a property and generate a report on environmental planning instruments and policies that apply to the property. The Biodiversity Values Map is included on the ePlanning spatial viewer. 

The report for properties on the Biodiversity Values Map will note that a Biodiversity Development Assessment Report may be required for development proposals on these properties.

NSW Planning Portal Spatial Viewer

Be aware

It takes a few days for Biodiversity Values Map updates to appear in the ePlanning spatial viewer. The Biodiversity Values Map and Threshold (BMAT) Tool should be used to view current Biodiversity Values Map data.

For more information, download the guide on how the view the Biodiversity Values Map on the ePlanning spatial viewer (PDF 2.47 MB)