Public consultation
The independent statutory review of the Biodiversity Conservation Act was undertaken by a review panel of independent experts.
Led by economist Dr Ken Henry AC, the panel was supported by Mr Mike Mrdak AO, Dr John Keniry AM and Distinguished Professor Michelle Leishman.
The independent panel developed a consultation paper with survey questions to prompt consideration of issues and opportunities to improve biodiversity conservation in New South Wales.
The consultation paper was published on 28 February 2023, and submissions closed on 21 April 2023.
Throughout the review, the panel also met with a number of stakeholders to hear their concerns with the Biodiversity Conservation Act. The panel also visited some regional areas to hear about local issues and concerns.
Public consultation submissions
The independent panel received 979 public submissions. Of these, 193 submissions were unique, and 786 were form submissions as part of a campaign and were largely identical.
The review panel used the content of submissions to inform the review analysis, final report and recommendations to the government.
Copies of individual submissions are available on request from [email protected].
Submissions summary report
The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water prepared a submissions report that presents a summary and analysis of the submissions received in response to the consultation paper.
The submissions summary report is published at Submissions summary report on the review of the Biodiversity Conservation Act.

Squirrel glider (Petaurus norfolcensis)