Project overview
In line with the finalised Macleay Coast Destination master plan, work has begun to improve and modernise visitor infrastructure and facilities in the Arakoon and Hat Head national parks.
The project will complement the historic and cultural significance of key visitor precincts and enhance visitors' experience. The 3 phased project is funded with $6.7 million. See the Macleay Coast Destination master plan.
Cardwell Street carpark upgrade underway
Stage 1 infrastructure improvement works have begun at the Cardwell Street precinct in Arakoon National Park.
The upgrade works include:
- resurfacing the car park area
- line marking parking bays
- addressing drainage issues.
Minimal vegetation clearance is being undertaken during construction works to meet Australian Standard requirements. Offset planting will occur on completion of the project.
Improving the parking facilities at the Cardwell Street day use area will better accommodate day visitors and reduce congestion at the Trial Bay Gaol campground. The Cardwell Street car park is closed, with completion expected by late November 2024.
Stage 2 is reliant on future funding but includes the development of an amenities block and connecting green space.

Improvement works underway at Cardwell Street car park.
Preparing for Trial Bay Gaol campground infrastructure upgrade
The Trial Bay Gaol campground infrastructure upgrades are scheduled to begin in early February 2025, with expected completion by late August 2025.
The primary focus of the campground upgrade is to improve the accessibility and connectivity on the northern campground area. The campground is aiming to better accommodate peak season demands.
The works will include:
- the reconstruction of a dual-access road
- the redevelopment of car parking areas
- line marking parking bays
- the reconfiguration of the Bayview campsite, addressing layout and functionality
- improvements to the drainage system
- extensive landscaping to enhance aesthetic appeal and ecological balance.
The project will be divided into stage A and stage B as shown on the maps below. Stage B will start once stage A is completed.
During the construction period, the northern section of the campground will be closed for safety. For details, visit the Trial Bay Gaol campground, Arakoon National Park page.

Trial Bay Campground (Stage A)

Trial Bay campground (Stage B)
Boat ramp access and pedestrian beach access
Access to the boat ramp will remain open throughout the construction process. A temporary road will be rerouted through the Bayview camping area, and traffic flow will be controlled using portable traffic lights.
Alternative pedestrian access to the beach will remain open for the construction phase, but there may be occasional access restrictions within the work zone.
National Parks and Wildlife Services commitment
The planning and preparation for the Trial Bay Gaol campground upgrade works have prioritised improving the experience for all park users, while preserving the environmental and heritage significance. Our integrated approach to design has addressed the functionality, sustainability and visual appeal of the new and existing facilities.