Bangadilly National Park Plan of Management
Bangadilly National Park is located about 20 kilometres west of Bowral in the NSW Southern Highlands. It was established in 2001 and consists of three separate, similarly sized land parcels with a total area of 2141 hectares.
Publisher: Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water (NSW)
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-74232-485-2
ID: DECCW20090759
File: PDF 1.42 MB / Pages 22
Name: bangadilly-national-park-plan-of-management-090759.pdf
Bangadilly National Park consists of plateau and ridge country bordered by steep escarpments that drop to the Wingecarribee River valley. It covers a major biophysical boundary between two bio-regions/botanical subdivisions. To the east is the Sydney Basin Bio-Region and to the west is the South Eastern Highlands Bio-Region.
Bangadilly National Park is of regional significance for its protection of poorly preserved vegetation communities, rare plants and threatened animal populations.
Photo: Bangadilly National Park/Phil Craven