Guidelines for preparing a statement of heritage impact
These guidelines explain how to prepare an effective and fit-for-purpose statement of heritage impact (SOHI). A SOHI is an assessment report that examines how proposed works to a heritage item, or near to it, may impact the item’s heritage values.
Publisher: Department of Planning and Environment
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-923018-98-3
ID: EHG20230201
File: PDF 1.24 MB / Pages 26
Name: guidelines-for-preparing-a-statement-of-heritage-impact-230201.pdf
These guidelines replace the Statements of heritage impact (Heritage Office and Department of Urban Affairs and Planning 1996, revised 2002).
The guidelines:
- explain what a statement of heritage impact (SOHI) is
- list steps in preparing a SOHI
- list questions that must be considered while preparing a SOHI
- set out a structure for a SOHI in a SOHI template.