A NSW Government website

NPWS Park activities

Guidelines and policies for cycling, horse riding, and the development of Great Walks in NSW national parks aim to balance recreational opportunities with the protection of park values and deliver economic benefits to regional communities.

Cyclist riding along a trail through the wetlands of Everlasting Swamp National Park, NSW.

The national parks Cycling Strategy, guidelines for implementation and updated Cycling Policy have been finalised.

A woman approaches saddled horses hitched to posts at Blue Waterholes campground at the end of Blue Waterholes trail in the High Plains area of northeastern Kosciuszko National Park

Horse riding is allowed in some national parks. We manage this to make sure recreational opportunities are balanced with the protection of park values.

Four workers accessing a potential crossing point on the Urumbilum River, surrounded by lush forest.

The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service is developing a network of Great Walks across New South Wales to deliver world-class bushwalking experiences for visitors.