A NSW Government website

Pollution Response Incident Management Plan: Perisher Range sewerage system

The primary pollution incidents that may occur within the Perisher Range sewerage system are sewage overflows.
Publisher: Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-922558-64-0 / ID: EES20210169
File: PDF 1.21 MB / Pages 25
Name: pollution-incident-response-management-plan-210169.pdf
Tags: Management planKosciuszko National Park

The Pollution Incident Response Management Plan (PIRMP) covers the range of potential pollution incidents that may occur within the Perisher Range Sewerage System (including the Perisher Sewage Treatment Plant). It details the procedures and actions to be undertaken in response to these incidents including notification.

The primary pollution incidents that may occur within the Perisher Range Sewerage System (PRSS) are sewage overflows which historically are infrequent. Another potential pollutant incident is the risk that chemicals used within the Perisher STP may be accidently discharged through accidents or staff error. The response measures to this type of incident are also detailed in this plan.

First published in May 2019; second edition published May 2021.