Current and predicted minimum and maximum extents of land salinisation in the upland NSW portion of the Murray–Darling Basin
The aim of this work is to determine the spatial extents within which known saline areas fluctuate.
Publisher: Department of Environment and Climate Change NSW
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-74122-872-4
ID: DECC20090107
File: PDF 1.42 MB / Pages 38
Name: land-salinisation-upland-nsw-murray-darling-basin-extent-090107.pdf
This study used spatial analysis techniques and aerial photography to predict the maximum and minimum extents of saline areas within the NSW MDB. Seven catchments across NSW were surveyed over a 30- to 40-year time frame using recent and archival aerial photographs to determine the change in dryland salinity extent and severity.