A NSW Government website

Clearing/thinning of native vegetation known as invasive native scrub under the Native Vegetation Act 2003

Collation of Discussion Paper submissions and responses from the Invasive Native Scrub Team

This document is a thorough review of the numerous submissions received by the Science and Information Board (SIB) on the invasive scrub issue throughout the consultation process. It is the result of substantial contributions by the many people who made written submissions and who participated in public meetings held throughout NSW in early 2005, as well as the efforts of the members of the team.
Publisher: NSW Department of Natural Resources
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 0-73475-695X
File: PDF 943.17 KB / Pages 35
Name: collation-of-discussion-paper-submissions-responses-from-invasive-native-scrub-team.pdf
Tags: Community consultation reportNative vegetation

DURING THE CONSULTATION PROCESS preceding the introduction of the Native Vegetation Act 2003, the NSW Government through the-then Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources undertook a comprehensive public consultation process. Part of this process involved the release of a Discussion Paper from the Department's Science and Information Board (SIB),  Clearing/Thinning of native vegetation known as invasive native scrub under the Native Vegetation Act 2003. A working group was also established to develop the Invasive Native Scrub module of the new computer program which would guide the implementation of the Act, the Property Vegetation Plan Developer.