A NSW Government website

Dunggir National Park Plan of Management

Dunggir National Park is located in the Nambucca Valley, on the mid-north coast of NSW. The park comprises 2,651 hectares and contains Bowra Sugarloaf, which is a prominent landscape feature in the region.
Publisher: Department of Environment and Conservation (NSW)
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 0-73136-6018 / ID: DEC20040165
File: PDF 382.44 KB / Pages 25
Name: dunggir-national-park-plan-of-management-040165.pdf
Tags: Plan of managementFinal

Prior to gazettal in 1997, Dunggir National Park formed part of what was formerly Mistake State Forest which was the subject of numerous forest protests and court cases in the 1980s and 1990s.

The park contains areas of old growth forest, a large proportion of which have never been logged. Old growth forests are of high conservation value as reference points and because of features such as large tree hollows, fallen timber and complex layering of plant species which provide important habitat for many threatened plant and animal species.

Key recreational activities include bird watching, bushwalking and car touring. Kosekai Lookout is the only existing recreation facility in the park. The lookout provides a panoramic view to the east from the range across to the coast.

Photo: Dunggir National Park. Credit: R Cleary Seen Australia/OEH.