Ngambaa proposed feral predator–free area: review of environmental factors
This document examines the likely environmental impacts associated with establishing a feral predator-free area at Ngambaa Nature Reserve and the measures needed to reduce these impacts.
Publisher: Department of Planning and Environment
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-922900-95-1
ID: EHG20220642
File: PDF 2.03 MB
Name: ngambaa-nature-reserve-review-environmental-factors-proposed-feral-predator-free-area-220642.PDF
This REF assesses the environmental impacts of the:
- construction and operation of conservation fencing
- eradication of feral predators and control of feral herbivores
- reintroduction of native animals that are locally extinct, threatened or declining,
at Ngambaa Nature Reserve near Macksville, on the mid-north coast of New South Wales.
This review of environmental factors should be read in conjunction with the Ngambaa Nature Reserve decision statement (PDF 583KB).
Additional documents
- Appendix A – Ecological Assessment for Ngambaa Rewilding (PDF 17.8MB)
- Appendix B – Ngambaa Rewilding: Historic Cultural Heritage Assessment (PDF 1.8MB)
- Appendix C – Ngambaa Rewilding: Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment Report (PDF 11.9MB)
- Appendix D – Design drawings of the proposed conservation fence and gates (PDF 12.2MB)
- Appendix E – Ngambaa Rewilding Project basecamp concept design (PDF 448KB)
- Appendix F – Hollow-bearing trees removal guidelines (see the REF document)
- Appendix G – Steel bridges waterway crossings Ngambaa rewilding area (PDF 454KB)
- Appendix H – Review of reintroductions to Ngambaa Nature Reserve (PDF 1.6MB)