Guidelines for the use of Acid Sulfate Soil Risk Maps
A series of Acid Sulfate Soil Risk Maps covering the entire NSW coastline has been prepared by the Department of Land and Water Conservation. The mapping has been designed to provide information on acid sulfate soil distribution and indicate land uses that are likely to create an environmental risk by exposing ASS to air. The maps have been prepared for a wide range of users to assist with land management and the environmental planning of coastal landscapes in NSW.
This document has been prepared primarily to assist in the understanding and use of the Acid Sulfate Soil Risk Maps, and is presented in three parts. The first part outlines the process for interpreting a map, indicates how these guidelines should and should not be used, and defines the appropriate information which can be derived from an Acid Sulfate Soil Risk Map. The second part provides information on the characteristics and management principles of acid sulfate soils, and the final part describes the methods used to prepare the Acid Sulfate Soil Risk Maps.