Updating BioNet Plant Community Types: Eastern New South Wales PCT Classification Version 1.1 (2022)
This document describes the processes used to change the master list of Plant Community Types (PCTs) to incorporate units from a revised vegetation classification for eastern NSW (coast and tablelands bioregions).
Publisher: Department of Planning and Environment
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-76058-557-0
ID: DPE20220177
File: PDF 1.6 MB / Pages 47
Name: updating-bionet-plant-community-types-eastern-nsw-pct-classification-220177.pdf
The resulting PCT master list is version C1.1.
The document summarises improvements resulting from the changes, including removal of significant redundancy and duplication from the PCT master list, and improved comprehensiveness of the master list with the recognition of new PCTs from eastern NSW.
The document includes two appendices which are available in the form of separate spreadsheet files. Appendix A provides a list of Approved PCTs in the coast and tablelands bioregions in 2018 (i.e. before change) and their status as at 24 June 2022. Appendix B provides a list of Approved PCTs in the coast and tablelands bioregions as at 24 June 2022, after amendment of the PCT master list.