Where has the Australian fritillary gone?
The Australian fritillary butterfly once occurred in coastal regions of south-east Queensland and north-east New South Wales, but there have not been any verified sightings since 2001. This leaflet includes information on how to identify the Australian fritillary and where to look for it.
Publisher: Office of Environment and Heritage
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-76039-020-4
ID: OEH20170421
File: PDF 1.12 MB / Pages 2
Name: saving-our-species-australian-fritillary-brochure-170421.pdf
Continued unverified reports of the butterfly sustain the hope that wild populations still exist, despite the widespread alteration and development of its coastal habitat.
Under the NSW Government’s Saving our Species program, Environment, Energy and Science researchers and Heritage and the Lepidoptera Conservation Group of North East New South Wales are trying to locate this butterfly.
Have you seen one?
If you see an Australian fritillary, make careful observations and try to photograph it. Note details of the exact location, take pictures of the site and contact us at the Saving our Species Program.