A NSW Government website

BioNet System enhancements July 2019

Release notes July 2019 (Release 3.2.1)

The spatial layers referenced in BioNet Atlas have been updated to ensure the tables in the database are linking to the most up-to-date administrative boundaries.
Publisher: Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-925974-79-9 / ID: EES20190374
File: PDF 1.62 MB / Pages 5
Name: bionet-system-enhancements-release-notes-july-2019-190374.pdf
Tags: Technical noteBioNet

BioNet is the repository of biodiversity data maintained by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, and includes a number of systems; BioNet Vegetation Classification, BioNet Atlas and the Threatened Species app. These release notes specifically refer to BioNet Vegetation Classification, both the Public and Edit applications.