Dooragan National Park Plan of Management
Dooragan National Park is located immediately south of Laurieton and approximately 25 kilometres south of Port Macquarie on the mid-north coast of New South Wales. The park is 1,042 hectares in size and encompasses North Brother Mountain, the northern most of the Three Brother Mountains.
Publisher: Department of Environment and Conservation (NSW)
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 0-73136-8533
ID: DEC20040135
File: PDF 708.02 KB / Pages 35
Name: dooragan-national-park-plan-of-management-040135.pdf
The primary purpose for dedication of the park was to preserve the old growth blackbutt forest growing on North Brother Mountain and the outstanding scenic values of the park. In addition, the park is reserved to protect cultural values, habitat for rare and threatened species and opportunities for appropriate recreation, tourism and education.
The park is a declared Aboriginal Place because it is of mythological significance to Aboriginal people. Dreaming stories associated with the area explain the creation of North Brother Mountain and two nearby mountains, collectively referred to as the 'Three Brothers'.
Photo: Dooragan National Park. Credit: John Spencer/OEH.