A NSW Government website

Status of the Endangered Population of Little Penguins Eudyptula minor at Manly

Review of 5 years of monitoring (2002-03 to 2006-07) and the implementation of the Recovery Plan since 2000.

This report reviews the implementation of the recovery plan for the little penguin and summarises 5 years of monitoring data for the colony.
Publisher: Department of Environment and Climate Change
Cost: Free
Language: English
File: PDF 938.17 KB / Pages 21
Name: status-endangered-population-little-penguins-eudyptula-minor-manly-2007.pdf
Tags: Monitoring reportNative animals

The little penguin (Eudyptula minora) population at Manly was listed as endangered in the  NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 in January 1997. The recovery plan for this endangered population was approved in October 2000 and was implemented under the direction of the Little Penguin Recovery Team.

This report was prepared to review the implementation of the recovery plan and report on the 5 years of monitoring data, from 2002–03 to 2006–07, for the colony.

The review also identified continuing and emerging issues and priorities for the ongoing implementation of the recovery program.

More information

For more information read our native animal facts about little penguins.